internet-equity / nm-exp-active-netrics

Netrics - Active Measurements of Internet Performance
Apache License 2.0
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Encrypted DNS response time measurement #94

Open marcwitasee opened 2 years ago

marcwitasee commented 2 years ago

Modify the logic of the dns_latency function in to include an option to run an encrypted DNS response time test for a given set of resolvers and a given set of domains.

To implement this measurement, we will need to update the version (need to determine which version, possibly 9.17) of DiG that is running on our devices that supports DNS encryption.

marcwitasee commented 2 years ago

We might also need to modify the configuration file to include the resolvers and the domains that will be included in the test.

feamster commented 2 years ago

Austin also indicated to us that the latest versions of dig now support +https. It is newer than the one with the distribution of debian we have on some of our machines so I expect the RPis may need some update.

marcwitasee commented 2 years ago

@feamster @ggmartins @ranyasharma Can update the dns_latency function to run encrypted DNS lookup

Encrypted DNS lookup DiG command dig +https A

Need to update toml configuration file to include doh resolvers

We need to understand the types of errors that are thrown when running this specific type of DiG command, and whether the output from the command needs to be parsed differently from the current output parsing logic

marcwitasee commented 2 years ago

Here is the release announcement for DiG that supports DNS-over-HTTPS


marcwitasee commented 2 years ago

@ranyasharma @feamster @marcwitasee @ggmartins Hey there,

you should have access to that device by now. You must be connected to tigerteam first.


(please use the pub key you sent me)

After that, you can jump to a shared account we have at the development device using

ssh ubuntu@

while setting this up, I realized we could have an isolated environment / separate accounts for each one of us. So, I'm working on this now with Marc. But for some reason we still want to share this account, here are some instructions:

[includeIf "gitdir:~/marc/"]
        path = ~/.gitconfig-marc
[includeIf "gitdir:~/gmartins/"]
        path = ~/.gitconfig-martins
[includeIf "gitdir:~/feamster/"]
        path = ~/.gitconfig-feamster
[includeIf "gitdir:~/ranya/"]
        path = ~/.gitconfig-ranya

​Now you can move to the directory eg. cd ~/ranya & git clone

Next, you are ready to start modifying the code, deploying and testing following what's in the make​ help instructions

hope this helps, please give me a few hours to set up a separate account, I think we should have that option.

I'll be available for any questions, thanks,


marcwitasee commented 2 years ago

Per Guilherme:

@ranyasharma @feamster

ok, I've set up separate accounts for us on that netrics device. Now, from tigerteam, to access the device, you can:

ssh mr@
ssh ranyasharma@
ssh feamster@

After that, you need to generate a ssh pair (run ssh-keygen) and upload the pub key to your trusted keys to your GitHub account in order to clone netrics. Once you clone the repo the process remain the same, but we need to coordinate among us and see who is going to be let the code testing etc. (right now, I don't have anything in the roadmap other than helping you)



marcwitasee commented 2 years ago

@ranyasharma @feamster @ggmartins

Steps to follow after successfully cloning nm-exp-active-netrics repo into your home directory to be able to run ./netrics for one-off testing from the cloned repository

  1. Copy go binary into the home directory
    sudo cp ~ubuntu/go1.17/ ~/ -R
    ln -s go1.17/go go
  2. Add path to go binary to your $PATH variable. Add the line export PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin/and log out and log back into your user on the netrics device. Run echo $PATH after logging back in to make sure that the go path is added.
    echo "export PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin/" >> .bashrc
  3. Change to the cloned nm-exp-active-netrics directory and run make ndt
  4. From the cloned directory, run make oplat
  5. From the cloned directory, run sudo make iperf
  6. From the cloned directory, run make speedtest
  7. From the cloned directory, run sudo make deps
  8. From the cloned directory, create a virtual environment by running:
    python3 -m venv venv
    . ./venv/bin/activate
    python3 -m pip install -r ./requirements.txt
  9. Deactivate environment with deactivate
  10. Copy the local install TOML file to the conf directory in the clone repository
    sudo cp /etc/nm-exp-active-netrics/nm-exp-active-netrics.toml ./conf/
  11. Run ./netrics -k to test that the local Netrics binary works
marcwitasee commented 2 years ago

Upgrading DIG

The current version of dig installed on our devices does not support encrypted DNS lookups.

Current version installed: DiG 9.16.1-Ubuntu Needed version: 9.17 or higher

Local install of updated DiG

We have a local version of dig (version 9.18.5) installed in the directory /usr/local/dig/. If you want to run dig with the updated version, be sure to specify the path to the updated binary (/usr/local/dig/bin/dig).

Issues with DiG 9.18.5

Dig appears not to be compatible with certain DOH DNS resolvers such as ( and others which @ranyasharma is currently documenting.

We may need to update Dig to a newer version

List of doh resolvers on GitHub: (could be useful for testing)

marcwitasee commented 2 years ago


Plan for development:


Create a new branch for your changes: git checkout -b encrypted-dns

Be sure to ONLY commit the changes that you are making to the and files.

To push your changes to the repository, use the command git push origin encrypted-dns


Copy the dns_latency function and rename it encrypted_dns_latency.

Write the function logic as needed to run your encrypted DNS measurements.


Add a new flag to the arguments

When the flag is included in a call to netrics binary, add logic to call your encrypted_dns_latency function. (Similar to what you were doing when you were originally testing the encrypted DNS measurements in your forked repository).

To test your new function, do the following:

Copy the global TOML file to your development repository. From your repository, run sudo cp /etc/nm-exp-active-netrics/nm-exp-active-netrics.toml conf/

Edit the TOML file in conf/ to change the topic field from "default" to "testing"

Turn off the collect package while you are testing: /etc/init.d/nm-mgmt-collectd-http stop. This is necessary so that you don't send the test results to the backend infrastructure.

Test your function by running (from your repository) ./netrics -[your-new-flag]

When you are done testing your function, restart the collect package: /etc/init.d/nm-mgmt-collectd-http start

ranyasharma commented 2 years ago

Updates since our conversation on 8/31:

ranyasharma commented 2 years ago

@feamster Can you please review the code for the function that runs the encrypted DNS measurements? It is located in the file and is called encrypted_dns_latency

feamster commented 2 years ago

Yes, will take a look!

ranyasharma commented 2 years ago


marcwitasee commented 1 year ago

@ranyasharma and @ggmartins Was there a recent deployment of this test? Can one of you please provide an update here? Thanks!

ggmartins commented 1 year ago

yes, we deployed it on iotlab's device. There are things to fix before going to a larger deployment

ggmartins commented 1 year ago

status report: beta testing in