intika / Librefox

Librefox: Firefox with privacy enhancements
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How to change/apply the language pack for the interface #103

Closed budetisufu closed 5 years ago

budetisufu commented 5 years ago

Hey. What settings are responsible for the browser language? As for me, the configuration file is badly commented. This is confusing.

intika commented 5 years ago

Hi, if you mean the interface your Firefox needs to be in the language you want before applying Librefox... or you can install a language pack of your choice

Firefox language version:

Language packs:

budetisufu commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the hasty closure! librefox cannot be used with system firefox. When installing Language Pack, the "add" button is not active.

intika commented 5 years ago fixed this... You could remove "lockPref("intl.locale.requested", "en-US");" from the mozilla.cfg that should help i added this to for further investigation... its not a hasty closure ;)

Let me know if you need further assistance

budetisufu commented 5 years ago

This does not solve the problem. The language did not change after installing librefox over firefxox, installed from the repositories.

bogachenko commented 5 years ago

@budetisufu you have commented out lockPref("intl.locale.requested", "en-US"); in file mozilla.cfg? or not? Just find this value in the file and add two slashes in front of it. You should have this //lockPref("intl.locale.requested", "en-US"); 2

Restart your browser. Once you comment out this parameter, the value is reset to an empty string. default download the language pack from the site and then manually type the locale you need. I'm from Russia, so I have ru. Here is a list of all locales. this 2

You cannot dance with a tambourine. and download translated into your language

Firefox language version:

Language packs:


budetisufu commented 5 years ago

Of course commented out. I don't need to download anything. Everything is already in the system. Downloaded from the Mozilla site has no problems.

intika commented 5 years ago

@budetisufu a couple of question to be able to help you the right way:

Eventually i'll send back the needed language pack xpi over here

bogachenko commented 5 years ago

he downloaded the already translated version

intika commented 5 years ago

@bogachenko thank you for helping out on this one :)... wait and see what's his answer it's not clear

intika commented 5 years ago

i think i found the problem...

bogachenko commented 5 years ago

i think i found the problem...


intika commented 5 years ago

First thing first the add button when installing language package does not work because of resistFingerprinting feature that spoof the wrong Firefox's version to the Mozilla's addons site... and other telemetry settings that disable Mozilla's site from using infos about the browser

@budetisufu Here is a detailed solution

  1. Check that you have the language pack of the desired language installed under about:addons then language.

  2. To install a language pack select the needed one from here then you need to select the proper version let say you want the Russian language pack, you will need to download the right version by going into the versions page (if you use firefox 64 select the latest v64) right click on the "add to firefox" and select copy link then past it on the url bar and add the language pack

  3. Once the language pack installed you need to check some settings

    • intl.locale.requested needs to be emply or referring the the language you want to use like ru-RU
  4. Other related settings needs to be updated

    • privacy.spoof_english needs to be set to 1
    • intl.accept_languages needs to have your language listed for example ru, ru-ru, en-us, en
  5. You can change settings on 4 with the interface under Preferences/General/Language/Choose and then adding your language to the list...

Firefox/Librefox should be fine in your language after doing this....

I will see how i can change that behavior on future version... but @bogachenko solution should be just fine.

Let me know if you need further assistance ;)

budetisufu commented 5 years ago

@intika Now everything works! Thank you very much!