I can't seem to export the Container object I made, it becomes undefined.
'use strict';
import { Container, decorate, injectable, inject } from 'inversify';
import 'reflect-metadata';
//...more code
const myLib = container.get(TYPES.MyLib);
console.log(myLib); // <--- this prints "_class { randomLib: _class {} }" which is correct, it works here
export default {
myLib: myLib // <--- this is where I export the object
I have another file which includes this file and wants to access the container object.
import { myLib } from 'src/di/di_inversify';
console.log(myLib); // <--- this prints "undefined"
I can't seem to export the Container object I made, it becomes undefined.
I have another file which includes this file and wants to access the container object.
I'm guessing there is something I've missed with InversifyJS, the vanilla JavaScript examples display all the code in one file and not split up so I have no reference. https://github.com/inversify/InversifyJS/blob/master/wiki/basic_js_example.md