Open JoWI987 opened 4 years ago
Pleas eprovide more details, Links, APIs that exist, other smart home sste that suppoort that?
I'm also interested in that. I have the same machine
Wir besitzen diese Waschmaschine auch.
Would be nice to trigger some activities when the washer has done the job.
I have also an aeg washing machine and would be interessed in this adapter. Any news about this?
@anaCIRdes Seems not, and if you do not show your interest by clikcing the "thumbs up" on the first post noone will see it
OK thank you!
I would also like to see this!
If someone can provide credentials I can create an adapter Please write me a message in the forum
If someone can provide credentials I can create an adapter Please write me a message in the forum
Hi I successfully used for a year or so the well functioning Electrolux/AEG MQTT-server from IBM cloud to get washer and dryer metrics...quite simple to connect following some instructons from github. Not too long ago the whole thing moved to Amazon, and they also implemented the oauth2 authentication method. And then I'm not able to follow anymore, due to lack of skills.
The problem is basically the oauth2-stuff going to that provides the idToken, once the idToken is obtained the rest is a walk in the park, and everything can be fetched through the Electrolux-API.
What I can do: 1) Provide a user account at Electrolux 2) Get clear text communication between the Electrolux-app and containing four requests: /acounts.login /acounts.setAccountInfo /acounts.getAccountInfo /acounts.getJWT
Would that be sufficient for you @TA2k to make an Electolux adapter?
I need an account with devices in it
Hi Someone seems to have done some ground work:
If you start here I can make my account available for one week or so starting on saturday (going on holidays then). I have a washer and a dryer. The oauth-stuff can probably start right away, but I guess you also have things to do.
Still need account with devices
Please create a IOBroker Adapter for a AEG Wasching Machine Lavamat WLAN
Thanks a lot !