The frontier_silicon detector has the type "upnp". Currently the upnp method does not reliably find all ssdp servers in the network (see: ).
Attention: A possible patch to the upnp method to fix #278 is included in this PR.
The frontier_silicon detector tries to set a default PIN for the adapter instance in order to ensure a smooth startup of the adapter. But because the PIN needs to be encrypted, startup of the instance fails and the user has to manually set the PIN.
It would be desirable if the discovery adapter would provide an encryption function
(see: ).
The speedwire method is not needed by the sma-em detector module since the latter has the type "once" and
it can discover all energy meter IPs on it's own by listening to the multicast messages
of the energy meters just once for a period of 2 s.
However, the speedwire method might be useful for other SMA adapters like ioBroker.speedwire.
Known problems: If instances of sma-em are already running, the speedwire method will not discover any SMA speedwire devices.
NOTES: This PR includes detector modules for the sma-em and frontier_silicon community adapters. Also included is a SMA speedwire method module.
The sma-em detector module requires the v1.0.0 of the sma-em adapter (currently in "latest" see: )
The _frontiersilicon detector module requires the v0.1.1 of the frontier_silicon adapter (currently in "latest" see: ) Known problems:
The speedwire method is not needed by the sma-em detector module since the latter has the type "once" and it can discover all energy meter IPs on it's own by listening to the multicast messages of the energy meters just once for a period of 2 s. However, the speedwire method might be useful for other SMA adapters like ioBroker.speedwire. Known problems: If instances of sma-em are already running, the speedwire method will not discover any SMA speedwire devices.