The InAppBrowser Plugin provides a web browser view that allows you to load any web page externally. It behaves as a standard web browser and is useful to load untrusted content without risking your application's security. It offers three different ways to open URLs; in a WebView, in an in-app system browser (Custom Tabs for Android and SFSafariViewController for iOS), and in the device's default browser.
npm install @capacitor/inappbrowser
npx cap sync
The InAppBrowser plugin requires a minimum Android SDK target of 26. This is higher than the default that comes with your Capacitor application. You can update this value in your android/variables.gradle
ext {
minSdkVersion = 26
import { InAppBrowser } from '@capacitor/inappbrowser';
await InAppBrowser.openInExternalBrowser({
url: ""
import { InAppBrowser, DefaultSystemBrowserOptions } from '@capacitor/inappbrowser';
await InAppBrowser.openInSystemBrowser({
url: "",
options: DefaultSystemBrowserOptions
import { InAppBrowser, DefaultWebViewOptions } from '@capacitor/inappbrowser';
await InAppBrowser.openInWebView({
url: "",
options: DefaultWebViewOptions
import { InAppBrowser } from '@capacitor/inappbrowser';
await InAppBrowser.close();
import { InAppBrowser } from '@capacitor/inappbrowser';
await InAppBrowser.addListener('browserClosed', () => {
console.log("browser was closed.");
await InAppBrowser.addListener('browserPageLoaded', () => {
console.log("browser was loaded.");
import { InAppBrowser } from '@capacitor/inappbrowser';
| The parameters to open the URL in the web view |
### openInSystemBrowser(...)
openInSystemBrowser(model: OpenInSystemBrowserParameterModel) => PromiseOpenInSystemBrowserParameterModel
| The parameters to open the URL in the system browser |
### openInExternalBrowser(...)
openInExternalBrowser(model: OpenInDefaultParameterModel) => PromiseOpenInDefaultParameterModel
| The parameters to open the URL in the external browser |
### close()
close() => Promise'browserClosed' \| 'browserPageLoaded'
| The name of the browser event to listen for: 'browserClosed' or 'browserPageLoaded'. |
| **`listenerFunc`** | () => void
| The function to be called when the event occurs. |
**Returns:** Promise<PluginListenerHandle>
### removeAllListeners()
removeAllListeners() => void
Removes all listeners for the browser events.
### Interfaces
#### OpenInWebViewParameterModel
Defines the options for opening a URL in the web view.
| Prop | Type | Description |
| ------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`options`** | WebViewOptions
| A structure containing some configurations to apply to the Web View. |
#### WebViewOptions
| Prop | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`showURL`** | boolean
| Displays the URL on the Web View. |
| **`showToolbar`** | boolean
| Displays the toolbar on the Web View. |
| **`clearCache`** | boolean
| Clears the Web View's cookie cache before a new window is opened. |
| **`clearSessionCache`** | boolean
| Clears the session cookie cache before a new window is opened. |
| **`mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction`** | boolean
| Prevents HTML5 audio or video from auto-playing. |
| **`closeButtonText`** | string
| Sets the text to display on the Close button on the Web View. |
| **`toolbarPosition`** | ToolbarPosition
| Sets the position to display the Toolbar on the Web View. |
| **`showNavigationButtons`** | boolean
| Displays the navigation buttons. |
| **`leftToRight`** | boolean
| Swaps the positions of the navigation buttons and the close button. |
| **`customWebViewUserAgent`** | string \| null
| Sets a custom user agent to open the Web View with. If empty or not set, the parameter will be ignored. |
| **`android`** | AndroidWebViewOptions
| Android-specific Web View options. |
| **`iOS`** | iOSWebViewOptions
| iOS-specific Web View options. |
#### AndroidWebViewOptions
| Prop | Type | Description |
| ------------------ | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| **`allowZoom`** | boolean
| Shows the Android browser's zoom controls. |
| **`hardwareBack`** | boolean
| Uses the hardware back button to navigate backwards through the Web View's history. If there is no previous page, the Web View will close. |
| **`pauseMedia`** | boolean
| Makes the Web View pause/resume with the app to stop background audio. |
#### iOSWebViewOptions
| Prop | Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`allowOverScroll`** | boolean
| Turns on the Web View bounce property. |
| **`enableViewportScale`** | boolean
| Prevents viewport scaling through a meta tag. |
| **`allowInLineMediaPlayback`** | boolean
| Allows in-line HTML5 media playback, displaying within the browser window rather than a device-specific playback interface. Note: The HTML's video element must also include the webkit-playsinline attribute. |
| **`surpressIncrementalRendering`** | boolean
| Waits until all new view content is received before being rendered. |
| **`viewStyle`** | iOSViewStyle
| Sets the presentation style of the Web View. |
| **`animationEffect`** | iOSAnimation
| Sets the transition style of the Web View. |
#### OpenInSystemBrowserParameterModel
Defines the options for opening a URL in the system browser.
| Prop | Type | Description |
| ------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`options`** | SystemBrowserOptions
| A structure containing some configurations to apply to the System Browser. |
#### SystemBrowserOptions
| Prop | Type | Description |
| ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| **`android`** | AndroidSystemBrowserOptions
| Android-specific System Browser options. |
| **`iOS`** | iOSSystemBrowserOptions
| iOS-specific System Browser options. |
#### AndroidSystemBrowserOptions
| Prop | Type | Description |
| ------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`showTitle`** | boolean
| Enables the title display. |
| **`hideToolbarOnScroll`** | boolean
| Hides the toolbar when scrolling. |
| **`viewStyle`** | AndroidViewStyle
| Sets the presentation style of CustomTabs. |
| **`bottomSheetOptions`** | AndroidBottomSheet
| Sets the options for the bottom sheet when this is selected as the viewStyle. If viewStyle is FULL_SCREEN, this will be ignored. |
| **`startAnimation`** | AndroidAnimation
| Sets the start animation for when the browser appears. |
| **`exitAnimation`** | AndroidAnimation
| Sets the exit animation for when the browser disappears. |
#### AndroidBottomSheet
| Prop | Type | Description |
| ------------- | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`height`** | number
| Sets the height of the bottom sheet. This will be a minimum of 50% of the screen's height. If no value is passed, we will default to the minimum value. |
| **`isFixed`** | boolean
| Sets whether the bottom sheet is fixed. |
#### iOSSystemBrowserOptions
| Prop | Type | Description |
| -------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| **`closeButtonText`** | DismissStyle
| Sets a text to use as the close button's caption. |
| **`viewStyle`** | iOSViewStyle
| Sets the presentation style of SafariViewController. |
| **`animationEffect`** | iOSAnimation
| Sets the transition style of SafariViewController. |
| **`enableBarsCollapsing`** | boolean
| Enables bars to collapse on scrolling down. |
| **`enableReadersMode`** | boolean
| Enables readers mode. |
#### OpenInDefaultParameterModel
Defines the options for opening a URL in the external browser and used by the others.
| Prop | Type | Description |
| --------- | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`url`** | string
| The URL to be opened. It must contain either 'http' or 'https' as the protocol prefix. |
#### PluginListenerHandle
| Prop | Type |
| ------------ | ----------------------------------------- |
| **`remove`** | () => Promise<void>
### Enums
#### ToolbarPosition
| Members |
| ------------ |
| **`TOP`** |
| **`BOTTOM`** |
#### iOSViewStyle
| Members |
| ----------------- |
| **`PAGE_SHEET`** |
| **`FORM_SHEET`** |
| **`FULL_SCREEN`** |
#### iOSAnimation
| Members |
| --------------------- |
#### AndroidViewStyle
| Members |
| ------------------ |
| **`BOTTOM_SHEET`** |
| **`FULL_SCREEN`** |
#### AndroidAnimation
| Members |
| --------------------- |
| **`FADE_IN`** |
| **`FADE_OUT`** |
| **`SLIDE_IN_LEFT`** |
#### DismissStyle
| Members |
| ------------ |
| **`CLOSE`** |
| **`CANCEL`** |
| **`DONE`** |