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feat: publicize real world performance comparisons versus competitors #1571

Closed LifeIsStrange closed 1 year ago

LifeIsStrange commented 3 years ago

For example you should join the imitation game scientific experiment.

Designing demo apps showing real world tasks, and the benchmarcks results for flutter, Ionic and native would show to the world the representative relative performance of an UI framework vs another. Ionic suffer from the outdated myth that chromium is slow. You need to show to the world, with "scientific" evidence and fair, open source comparisons that Ionic is competitive in performance (I actually suspect it to be the fatest). Depending on the results, it could skyrocket Ionic adoption! (bonus, bench with Angular, React and Vue, React would be the most pragmatic as it would allow an almost one to one comparison with react native performance)

You could use metrics such as scrolling performance, first time to paint, power efficiency, ,etc)

Such a benchmarck suite, if automated, could allow to track and catch performance regressions over time too!

I really believe this is the next Big thing in Ionic adoption

sidenote I hope you're using optimizing css properties such as will-change, css contain, etc cf: (using well and to it's full extant css: contain is a game changer)

elvisgraho commented 3 years ago

"Corporate customers of Flutter want a dashboard that shows the performance comparison between Native iOS/Android code and Flutter code."

Performance part of web-wrapped mobile applications should never be brought to the attention of people who know nothing about the workings of those applications or how those applications are coded. They will see a bar chart where one bar is longer than the other and they will immediately come to the conclusion, that the one framework is better than the other. Which is misleading.

The "scientific" evidence is - Native applications will always be faster and bad code will always be slower.

LifeIsStrange commented 2 years ago

The "scientific" evidence is - Native applications will always be faster

This is an extremely dumb statement that shows a total absence of knowledge regarding the rendering engines used and a lack of intellectual nuance and interest. Native is a bullshit term that has spread like a tumor. Chromium could have been qualified as native had the android designers made it the default UI library. Native is not an adjective that has anything to do with being qualitatively superior or having better performance, it just means it is the ad-hoc library that has been shipped with the OS historically. The native library for android was in fact subpar to chromium so they switched their implementation to Skia (the rendering primitive made originally by chromium devs..)

In addition to the various advanced optimizations that chromium has that flutter do not, the support for CSS contain (style, layout, paint, size) enable order of magnitude superior performance in various cases. However it looks like Ionic devs are willing to let users stay in obscurantism and myths instead of working on a decent set of generally useful UX benchmarks.

jcesarmobile commented 1 year ago

Ionic vs React Native