ionos-cloud / terraform-provider-ionoscloud

The IonosCloud Terraform provider gives the ability to deploy and configure resources using the IonosCloud APIs.
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network link between k8s nodegroup and pgsql via terraform #197

Closed k11h-de closed 2 years ago

k11h-de commented 2 years ago

Current Provider Version



We would like to define a managed k8s cluster nodegroup which has a working network link to a managed postgresl Cluster in one terraform file.

Attempted Solutions

Right now I am using the attached file, but this is fundamentally not working from my perspective. Setting up a dedicated (user-managed) DHCP server only for this purpose is not an option.


Implement an attribute in the ionoscloud_lan data source which returns the IP subnet the Ionos dhcp server will assign to clients in that LAN object. This attributes value could then be referenced in the pgsql resource -> connection -> cidr argument.

Terraform File

This is the terraform file we're using right now:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    ionoscloud = {
      source              = "ionos-cloud/ionoscloud"
      version             = "6.1.3"

variable "stack_name" {
  description = "a unique identifier for resource naming"  
  type        = string
  nullable    = false
  default     = "poc-cl2"

variable "nodegroup" {
  type = object({
    asg_min           = number
    asg_max           = number
    cores_count       = number
    ram_size          = number
    storage_size      = number 
    storage_type      = string  
  default = {      
    asg_min           = 1      
    asg_max           = 2      
    cores_count       = 2
    ram_size          = 4096
    storage_size      = 100  
    storage_type      = "SSD"  

resource "ionoscloud_datacenter" "datacenter" {
  name                    = "${var.stack_name}_dc1"
  location                = "de/txl"
  description             = "proof of concept dc"

resource "ionoscloud_ipblock" "k8s_ingress_ip" {
  name                    = "${var.stack_name}_k8s_ingress_ips"
  location                = ionoscloud_datacenter.datacenter.location
  size                    = 1

resource "ionoscloud_lan" "lan1" {
  datacenter_id           =
  public                  = false

resource "ionoscloud_k8s_cluster" "k8s_cluster" {
  name                    = "${var.stack_name}_k8s_cluster"
  k8s_version             = "1.21.9"
  maintenance_window {
    day_of_the_week       = "Sunday"
    time                  = "22:30:00Z"

resource "ionoscloud_k8s_node_pool" "k8s_cluster_nodegroup1" {
  name                    = "${var.stack_name}_k8s_cluster_ng1"
  k8s_version             = "1.21.9"
  auto_scaling {
    min_node_count        = var.nodegroup.asg_min
    max_node_count        = var.nodegroup.asg_max

  lans {
    id                    =
    dhcp                  = true
    routes {
      network             = ""
      gateway_ip          = ""

  maintenance_window {
    day_of_the_week       = "Sunday"
    time                  = "22:30:00Z"
  datacenter_id           =
  k8s_cluster_id          =
  cpu_family              = ionoscloud_datacenter.datacenter.cpu_architecture[0].cpu_family
  availability_zone       = "AUTO"
  storage_type            = var.nodegroup.storage_type
  node_count              = 1
  cores_count             = var.nodegroup.cores_count
  ram_size                = var.nodegroup.ram_size
  storage_size            = var.nodegroup.storage_size
  labels = {
    psp                   = "1234-123"
    team                  = "team-rocket"
  annotations = {
    foo                   = "bar"

resource "ionoscloud_pg_cluster" "pg_cluster_1" {
  postgres_version        = 13
  instances               = 2
  cores                   = 2
  ram                     = 2048
  storage_size            = 2048
  storage_type            = "SSD"
  connections   {
    datacenter_id         = 
    lan_id                = 
    cidr                  =  ""
  location                = ionoscloud_datacenter.datacenter.location
  display_name            = "poc_bru1_pg_c1"
  maintenance_window {
    day_of_the_week       = "Sunday"
    time                  = "22:45:00"
  credentials {
    username              = "user"
    password              = "insecure"
  synchronization_mode    = "SYNCHRONOUS"
iblindu commented 2 years ago

Hi @k11h-de,

Thank you opening this issue! Unfortunately it is not possible for the moment to take the IP subnet directly from a ionoscloud_lan data source, since to find the subnet we have to look at the NIC configuration. Thus, here is an workaround:

Here is an example that I tested in this regard:

resource "ionoscloud_server" "test_dbaas_cluster" {
  name = "server"
  datacenter_id =
  cores = 2
  ram = 2048
  availability_zone = "ZONE_1"
  cpu_family = "INTEL_SKYLAKE"
  image_name ="Debian-10-cloud-init.qcow2"
  image_password = "K3tTj8G14a3EgKyNeeiYsasad"
  volume {
    name = "volume_test"
    size = 6
    disk_type = "SSD Standard"
  nic {
    lan =
    name = "test_dbaas_cluster"
    dhcp = true

locals {
 prefix = format("%s/%s", ionoscloud_server.test_dbaas_cluster.nic[0].ips[0], "24")
 database_ip = cidrhost(local.prefix, 1)
 database_ip_cidr = format("%s/%s", local.database_ip, "24")

resource "ionoscloud_pg_cluster" "test_dbaas_cluster" {
  postgres_version   = 12
  instances          = 1
  cores              = 4
  ram                = 2048
  storage_size       = 2048
  storage_type       = "HDD"
  connections  {
    datacenter_id   = 
    lan_id          = 
    cidr            =  local.database_ip_cidr
  location = ionoscloud_datacenter.test_dbaas_cluster.location
  display_name = "PostgreSQL_cluster"
  credentials {
    username = "username"
    password = "password"
  maintenance_window {
    day_of_the_week       = "Sunday"
    time                  = "09:00:00"
  synchronization_mode    = "ASYNCHRONOUS"

P.S. We will also add all these details in the documentation. Thank you a lot for pointing this out!

k11h-de commented 2 years ago

Hi @IuliaBlindu , thanks a lot for your reply and the suggested workaround. I really like your idea and was wondering if there is a chance to get the value from the gateway_ip of the k8s nodegroup object in terraform.

That would require following change:



What do you think about this suggestion?

Thanks a million Karsten

iblindu commented 2 years ago

Hi @k11h-de,

I am not sure I understand the suggestion, so please correct me if I am wrong. Do you mean, when there is not a gateway_ip provided in the nodepool, to have a default value, hard coded by us?

k11h-de commented 2 years ago

Sorry @IuliaBlindu , I was not precise.

My understanding was that after creation terraform returns values like the ionoscloud_server.test_dbaas_cluster.nic[0].ips[0] in your example. So not hardcoded, but my understanding was that the CIDR of the node group is assigned when the k8s node group is created. Of course, one cannot return NIC details for a node group object as this is changing when nodes come and go, but I thought we can go with the gateway_ip as this should be in the same network segment.

cristiGuranIonos commented 2 years ago

We talked to the team that handle the nodepools, we discussed several options, but for now the only workaround is the one that @IuliaBlindu suggested above.

Syndlex commented 1 year ago

For People searching for a "Workaround" for Kubernetes. The Support send me this Modul.

It just takes the id of a Node from the Nodepool and gets the Server instance behind it. Now you can get the Nic from this Server.