Open Unrepentant-Atheist opened 10 years ago this an enhancement request for "make moar boom"? Because I could get excited about an enhancement request about making moar boom.
ooooh @Unrepentant-Atheist touched the sensitive parts of @jakimfett
I support! Let us have a config option controlling the boom size so I can nuke the world with liquid TNT!
Need moar boom! Me happy with moar boom!
Also: nitroglycerine which is generally inert until it is impacted, ie an entity falls into it or drops and hits a surface
TNT isn't nitroglycerine. 2 different chemicals.
hence "Also"
I like the idea of nitroglycerin a lot. There's already code to allow chemical reactions between fluids, I doubt it'd be a huge stretch to make it "react" when a gravity based block falls onto it, or a player/entity "jumps" into it.
Oh noes. v6?!?! But I wanna haf moar boom! :(
Yeah, I'm pushing this out to v6 due to how...potentially buggy/problematic doing entity/impact detection could be, and wanting to get v5 wrapped up sooner.
So....I can place "fluid" tnt in the world....but it's pretty inert. Isn't it supposed to, like, go kaboom? It's a pretty unstable chemical all around.