iopleke / Minechem

Chemical decomposition and synthesis in Minecraft
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Fusion reactor automation crash #46

Closed whythisname closed 10 years ago

whythisname commented 10 years ago

I've recently been testing things with the Fusion reactor (to see how it works and what it can do) and I've also tried to automate it (which I'm not sure is intended to be possible or not). Either way, any attempt to automate it results in a crash and will crash the game upon reloading the world as well. From the crash log I can only make up that it's trying to access something that isn't there (nullPointerException). This log is from when I tried to insert Hydrogen into inventory slot 1 of the Fusion reaction using a Factorization Router: The logs from the other crashes look similar (all "ticking tile entity NullPointerException"s)

Crash type: CTD, the game closes instantly.

How to replicate: Build a Fusion reactor and place a hopper so it would feed stuff into the reactor (I put it on one of the Tungsten plating blocks on the top of the reactor because those are also the only blocks from which I can access the Fusion reactor UI). Then put some stuff in the hopper (I put in Hydrogen, but I think it will crash on anything). I did have a Fusion star in the reactor at the time.

2nd instance of replication: Build a Fusion reactor and use a Factorization Router to pull stuff from inventory slot 0. I also tried inserting Hydrogen in inventory slot 1, that caused a crash as well (this is what the log is from that I put on Pastebin).

I'm running the latest version of Resonant Rise ( which has MineChem v5.RC2 in it. I do have automation for the synthesis machine enabled in the config, but I assume that doesn't affect this issue.

I have ran a test on the Fission reactor and that seems to work fine with Factorization Routers (using item slots 0, 1 and 2). Hoppers don't work (they don't insert the items, they just sit in the hopper), but the Fission reactor-Hopper combination doesn't crash the game.

PS: Something else strange with the Fusion reactor, when I finish building it the blueprint projector turns into an invisible block. This probably isn't related to this issue, but it's not as bad as a world breaking crash xD

karelmikie3 commented 10 years ago

this looks like a factorization crash to me.

whythisname commented 10 years ago

Then why does it crash with vanilla hoppers as well? It might be because the Fusion reactor doesn't have a regular inventory and then causes a crash on whatever (hopper/router/maybe machines from other mods) tries to insert/extract stuff into/from it, but then the expected behavior would be that it simply doesn't work, just like the Fission reactor doesn't work with hoppers. In any case it shouldn't cause a world breaking crash...

Crash log of the automation attempt with a vanilla hopper:

jakimfett commented 10 years ago

In the future, please put issues with Particle Physics in the Particle Physics issue tracker. EDIT: Ah, man...sorry, that's my bad. Yes, the fusion reactor is part of Minechem.

I'll take a look at this, but it may be a couple of days, I'm in the middle of moving to my new apartment, and my development desktop is currently in about six different boxes.

whythisname commented 10 years ago

But it's an issue with the Fusion reactor (the big multiblock thing made with 1 of the blue prints from the blue print projector), afaik that's not part of Particle Physics.

No problem, good luck with moving ;)

jakimfett commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I'm apparently running on too little're correct...I've edited my comment to reflect that. I'll take a look once I get more moved in.

whythisname commented 10 years ago

I've looked a bit at the code here on github (I'm not sure if that's the same as in RC2), but with my knowledge of scripting (which doesn't include Java) I did see (in that automation appears to be disabled and is marked as a "@TODO". So I think that is where the problem might be coming from, but like I said, I don't really know Java so it might also be something else.

jakimfett commented 10 years ago

Any chance I could get you to test this in 1.7.10, @whythisname? I know automation doesn't work...but if it no longer crashes things, I'll close this ticket, because I'm already planning to rework automation, see #67.

whythisname commented 10 years ago

I'm not sure, I'll have to set up a 1.7.10 install (because I don't think resonant rise is at 1.7.10 yet, is it?) and I don't have my desktop at hand for a few weeks and the laptop I'm using now kinda struggles with Minecraft without mods. So yeah, I think it'll be a while before I can run a test. When I have time I'll give it a whirl though.

jakimfett commented 10 years ago

Cool, thanks. I'll take a poke at it if my wrist stops hurting sometime soon.

KorewaLidesu commented 4 years ago

So no update for 1.6.4? Sadly :<