Closed 877dev closed 4 years ago
Hi @877dev,
We developed the wemos example sketches for the 1.1.0 version oled shield. This did not have the extra buttons. The oled uses the same pins, Driver IC: SSD1306 and IIC Address: 0x3C or 0x3D. So I would expect this to work.
The buttons however will not work as they are I2C and the IOTAppStory library only alows you to use the gpio pins for buttons.
We did not realize these changes in the new shields and will update our examples in future releases.
Which sketch / app are you trying to use? And as mentioned above you will need a button. (wire to ground for button press will do)
Hi @Onno-Dirkzwager
Thanks for the help!
I have wired a button inbetween GND and D3 and it's still not working, there's nothing on the OLED and the same in terminal.
I am using the Wemos-IASLoader sketch. Here is code working with my 2.1.0 OLED and the Lolin library (see below):
Links to libraries from Wemos/Lolin website (both work for me):
Command differences between the libraries:
eg. Wemos-IASLoader:
SSD1306 display(0x3c, D2, D1); display.init(); // setup OLED and show "Wait" display.flipScreenVertically(); display.clear(); display.setFont(ArialMT_Plain_16); display.setTextAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); display.drawString(48, 35, F("Wait")); display.display();
vs Lolin library:
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(OLED_RESET);
display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);
display.setCursor(0, 0);
Do you think I could get your Wemos-IASLoader sketch working, with some editing? It's strange that even the terminal is not showing the correct text.
Many thanks 877dev
Update: Had a go changing the code and there's so many errors, I gave up.
As mentioned above we never made these examples for this shield. And it will take some time before its in the next release. Our apologies for this inconvenience.
Untill then just coninue using the normal IASLoader to add your device to our servers. You can still use your oled shield in your own projects with the libraries that work for you! Its just not compatible with our examples. yet....
Ill leave this issue open as a reminder untill we updated the examples.
@Onno-Dirkzwager I did not realise I could use the normal IASLoader, thank you.
PS - please let me know if you want anything testing in the meantime..
@877dev The wemos example sketches have been updated to work with the v2.1.0 OLED shield
Hi, First thanks to Christiaan Broeders for the help so far. I have run into the following issue when using Lolin OLED shield.
I am not using a button shield, as the OLED has buttons on it already (although they maybe need a LOLIN_I2C_BUTTON.h library to run). I can fit a button shield if you think it will help, but I heard in one of Andreas video that these integrated buttons are ok?
This is the shield, as you can see it already has buttons on it, and is 64 x 48
The OLED library I have on another project which works correctly:
This is the code used (commented out the chipId part as suggested:
Wemos D1 mini being used:
Total blank black screen on OLED, nothing shows.
Serial monitor displays the following: 15:37:35.958 -> 15:37:35.958 -> 15:37:35.958 -> ⸮⸮2⸮ 15:37:36.395 -> ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(1,6) 15:37:36.395 -> 15:37:44.733 -> 15:37:44.733 -> ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(1,6) 15:37:44.733 -> 15:37:44.733 -> wdt reset