iotappstory / ESP-Library

Software Distribution and Management Over the Air
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
124 stars 35 forks source link

Updates for the upcomming release candidate #111

Closed Onno-Dirkzwager closed 5 years ago

Onno-Dirkzwager commented 5 years ago

Refactored the library in such a way that the platform diferences(esp8266, esp32) are taken care of in separate files and classes. So the main library can focus on the main tasks.

As an example the boardInfo class uses RTC memory on the esp8266 and NVS(preferences) on the ESP. The compiler decides which class(file) to include. So all the main library sees are methods like boardInfo(), read() & write()

This makes the main code more readable. And should make it easier to maintain / extend.

Ideally all core functionality (wifiConnector, streamToUpdate, Wifi&Cert Manager etc.) should move to separate libraries for v.3.0.0

A lot of the underlying library methods have been moved public and are in some cases rewritten for local use in the end users sketch.



update class New update class which supports updating multiple platforms from the host ESP. Currently:

Certificate Manager

Internal Clock



Bugs & Fixes