iotbzh / agl-documentation

AGL documentation written by the team and not yet merged into official AGL repository.
Apache License 2.0
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sdk-devkit: invalid TOC numbering #1

Open kooltux opened 7 years ago

kooltux commented 7 years ago

Generated table of contents (TOC) doesn't contain page numbers but chapters numbers:

Introduction 1.1
Document    revisions 1.2
Part    1   -   Build   AGL image   from    scratch 1.3
Deploy  an  image   using   containers 1.3.1
Setting up  your    operating   system 1.3.2
Install AGL Yocto   image   for Porter  board   using   Docker  container 1.3.3
Inside  the container 1.3.4
Build   an  image   for Porter  board 1.3.5
Porter  image   deployment  on  target 1.3.6
AGL SDK compilation and installation 1.3.7
Part    2   -   Build   your    1st application
Initializing    SDK environment and templates 1.4.1
Trying  out the templates 1.4.2
Developing  smoothly    with    the container 1.4.3
Creating    your    own hybrid  application 1.4.4
kooltux commented 7 years ago

The same applies to

sebd71 commented 7 years ago

This is a known gitbook issue : see gitbook issue #1223 See also #1470 and this pdf generator for gitbook based on wkhtmltopdf : gitbook-pdfgen

lwchkg commented 7 years ago

I think the problem is about Calibre, which is the software gitbook use to generate pdf files. AFAIK, Calibre cannot add page numbers. So you should try alternative solutions: