ipfs-inactive / websiter

[ARCHIVED] Foundation and tool for managing websites around IPFS
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Level up websiter to follow the latest trends from IPFS websites #3

Open daviddias opened 6 years ago

daviddias commented 6 years ago

@alanshaw, @richsilv and @olizilla pushed some amazing work towards improving our dev and maintenance experience on the IPFS websites (libp2p, ipld, multiformats, etc). The Makefile now can do more things now, see https://github.com/ipfs/website/blob/master/Makefile for example.

websiter can gain a lot from that :)

victorb commented 6 years ago

That would indeed be amazing! The vision of websiter is to be a toolkit with hugo for a base-theme and utils for deploying static sites on IPFS.

Idea would be for all our websites (ipfs.io, protocol.ai, libp2p.io, multiformats.io and so on) to have a shared tooling, styling and scaffolding here in websiter, and all unique content in each repository for the website.

This would make it trivial to bootstrap new websites, maintain existing ones and help others understand how to use IPFS as well.