3. How will you improve your project with this grant? What steps will you take to meet this objective? (max 200 words)
I want to start working on the second version (v2). Currently it is not users friendly. I want to make an app which runs on IPFS.
4. Is this project open source?
5. Do you agree to share grant reports upon request, including a final grant report at the end of the three month period?
6. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?
7. Links and submissions
If your project began at a hackathon, have you submitted it for the relevant Protocol Labs prizes? Include links here if available:
Additional questions:
For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.
Jozef Pinter, jozefpinter@gmail.com, https://github.com/jozefpinter , software engineer
How did you learn about our microgrant program?
If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon:
What was the name of the event? (e.g. ETHGlobal NFTHack, Cal Hacks hello:world, Chainlink, CivHacks, GameDevJ, ETHGlobal Scaling Ethereum)
1. What is your project? Decentralized ecommerce for Web3.
Basically it is a decentralized ecommerce for Web3. You can run a shop on IPFS and accept BTC, ETH, XMR payments for goods and services.
https://github.com/ivyca-com/decommerce https://ipfs.filebase.io/ipfs/QmenhKTrYoAt1gxFqLy5LDSGtiCHJeinskV4RXRSYhsoSF/ https://www.ivyca.com/decommerce/
2. How will IPFS, Filecoin, or related technology be used for this project? (max 100 words)
It runs on IPFS. DeCommerce is the only ecommerce in the ipfs repository. Here: https://awesome.ipfs.io/apps/
3. How will you improve your project with this grant? What steps will you take to meet this objective? (max 200 words)
I want to start working on the second version (v2). Currently it is not users friendly. I want to make an app which runs on IPFS.
4. Is this project open source?
5. Do you agree to share grant reports upon request, including a final grant report at the end of the three month period?
6. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?
7. Links and submissions
Additional questions: