It would be great if one could bootstrap IPFS via Cjdns only. However, I can't find a public Cjdns gateway that is connected to the bootstrap nodes (pluto, neptune, neptune, uranus, saturn, jupiter, venus, earth, mercury, banana, scrappy, chappy, pollux, nihal, biham, auva).
Those nodes are publicly reachable via IPv4 and IPv6 anyway... is there any reason, why they shouldn't allow public Cjdns connections? Or what about at least operating a public Cjdns gateway in front of them in each geography?
It would be great if one could bootstrap IPFS via Cjdns only. However, I can't find a public Cjdns gateway that is connected to the bootstrap nodes (pluto, neptune, neptune, uranus, saturn, jupiter, venus, earth, mercury, banana, scrappy, chappy, pollux, nihal, biham, auva).
Those nodes are publicly reachable via IPv4 and IPv6 anyway... is there any reason, why they shouldn't allow public Cjdns connections? Or what about at least operating a public Cjdns gateway in front of them in each geography?