Closed Elexy closed 5 years ago
Actually now that we have a better Idea of what it is we're building, I need 3 VMs.
for both of the above and Influxdb/grafanaping @eefahy @kyledrake
cc @daviddias
Can we get into more specifics please?
Hi @eefahy
instances offer consistent CPU performance without any bursting. The physically attached NVME ssd should offer disk performance without any interference.the benchmark VMs only needs a couple of Gb's storage, the OS disk is probably big enough. Doesn't have to be backed up either.
Do count for tests that move 100GB to 1TB of data, if possible.
@daviddias I get your point. We can add huge disks (If cost is not an obstacle) let's add them. If we want to move 1TB would we need that space for each node + the original data? We do need to spec out those tests and what it is exactly that we're benchmarking there. i.e. Disk speed vs js-IPFS speed.
You need space for the 1TB of data, 1TB for each node and much more space for the overhead of creating the Graph Data Structure. Thinking more about this, perhaps starting with a benchmark for 10GB and 100GB might be wiser. 1TB might take too much time nowadays to make it practical and useful
@Elexy Thanks so much for the info. I see we have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow but wanted to give some options per your requirements:
Bare metal servers are an option. We use for those needs. It would seem that this machine is a good fit. Would that work?
Unfortunately, we do not currently have a suitable k8s or ECS cluster for this so it will be a VM/Packet machine, depending on the sizing needs. What are the sizing needs for that machine?
We will need to sort out https for serving those endpoints, which I will look into. Making an S3 bucket for backups sounds good.
Hi @eefahy,
Thanks for that.
Bare metal for the 2 test machines would be awesome. The specs fo that machine look fine to me, if ipfs is supposed to run on commonly available consumer hardware (@daviddias ?). Can we get Debian or Ubuntu on that?
A VM to run the runner/db/dashboard in containers should be spec'd like this:
>= 4 CPUs
>= 16GB RAM
1TB ssd
As for the endpoint; the *ipfs CI should be able to hit an endpoint with a POST request. So it can(should) be fairly locked down.
Per our conversation:
Once CI platform is decided on, we will need to mint a cert for the VM to field a webhook from CI to kick off tests.
@Elexy Do you have a preference on the IOPS or throughput for the 1TB SSD? Can we get away with provisioning a gp2 EBS volume for this or do you need the io1 flavor?
These machines have been made. I went with a gp2 SSD Volume. Let me know if that needs an upgrade. Once I get a nearform public key, I'll add that to the VM
Thanks. here is the pub key:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDRZsdV936RrBC3ZK3wmmP4dgj8cNSD6WdChMs2Ic+A+h5HALTSkK0Z7ri1pPbbSf6OzD5NwGByhXIwT34RPZjWRs008cv8z4x4bYV+wBlUQRaVAYQDxag+5522cg35nHqgONHmyuutBjU4lxRlq4qyACbI5sI7CDg0J9fMEyAK8hj8ADWM3dZFe+kA9bUh3LLyCUfhiSnGX7xmtQRqXHzU+c0ZPFARSbRakMUcGBRb7P5CnQkIwZqyGIpAbV4/wjDA6jn+whPyOx3lHxpxyzHtjoGra6j+j3KHcC2i1+PaGYK8hGRckcVNr6jsH86HzFkwmP+KMJQ2nkHSVMoJdYAt elexy@Alexs-MacBook-Pro.local
Alright this is done.
Bare Metal machine
Ping me when we know what CI looks like and I can sort out the webhook to VM stuff
@eefahy I am assuming this dashboard should be made available on a domain as well. Can you take care of that?
Also I need ports 80 and 443 opened in the vNet to be able to expose the service and get the let's encrypt handshake to work.
UFW config on the VM:
ubuntu@ip-172-31-44-15:~$ sudo ufw status verbose
Status: active
Logging: on (low)
Default: reject (incoming), allow (outgoing), deny (routed)
New profiles: skip
To Action From
-- ------ ----
22/tcp LIMIT IN Anywhere # Limit ssh access
80/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere # Allow http access
443/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere # Allow https access
22/tcp (v6) LIMIT IN Anywhere (v6) # Limit ssh access
80/tcp (v6) ALLOW IN Anywhere (v6) # Allow http access
443/tcp (v6) ALLOW IN Anywhere (v6) # Allow https access
/cc @daviddias
@eefahy I'd like to CI/CD this project as well. Can you add it too CircleCI or Gitlab ci?
@Elexy I've enabled the Circle.
Port 80 and 443 are now open on the VM - not sure what domain to use for this. Thoughts @daviddias or @alanshaw ?
We decided to put it on
yesterday for the time being, so something like
OK - turns out that *
is tied up so I made
resolve to the EIP on the VM. Let me know if that needs to change.
@Elexy I'm seeing a LetEncrypt script on the VM so I assume that you can take care of the cert for that new domain?
@eefahy re - cert: yes, I will. Thanks for the domain!
@eefahy I previously deleted my comment about needing sudo but I now have hit that wall again with no way around it.
The benchmark Bare Metal machine needs git installed and possibly some more things. We need to git clone
js-ipfs there and checkout a specific commit to run the benchmarks against.
Could the ubuntu
user have sudo
rights, like on the VM?
This is a blocker for me now. /cc @alanshaw @mcollina
The ubuntu
user already had sudo privs but I updated it to not require a password. If we know what sort of stuff needs to be installed on the bare metal machine, I'm happy to add that to its user_data
script instead which feels a little more secure. Thoughts?
@eefahy Thanks for the quick reply. Let's add it to user_data
once it's stabilized. We're still discovering stuff here.
@Elexy Cool, sounds good. I'm closing this issue now. If other things come up or you're ready for user_data stuff then open a new issue please. Thanks!
I've been enlisted to automate benchmarking for js-ipfs and I'd like to get my hands on a VM with reliable cpu/mem to test benchmarking strategies.