ipfs / local-offline-collab

Local Offline Collaboration Special Interest Group
MIT License
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☎️ Call Scheduling Update #25

Open terichadbourne opened 4 years ago

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

The monthly call of the IPFS Local Offline Collaboration SIG (Special Interest Group) takes place every 4th Thursday at 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC.

Scroll to the latest comment in this thread for updates on our next call.

Do you have a project in the Offline First or local networking space that you'd like to share with us? Please let me know so we can add you to our agenda!

Want to catch up on past conversations? Review our past meeting notes or check out our video archive, with lots of awesome demos.

Everyone is welcome: @creationix @Jorropo @onggunhao @Gozala @raulk @terichadbourne @whyrusleeping @djdv @jedahan @jimpick @nicopace @raulk @yiannisbot @momack2 @JustMaier @vrortvedt @autonome @parkan @nicopace @canadaduane @arkadiy @monteslu @arecvlohe @davidhernandeze and others

Please follow this issue for updates, as we'll be keeping a single thread here for all upcoming meetings moving forward.

Our next meeting will take place on December 18. See you then!

parkan commented 4 years ago

hmm agenda says meeting is Dec 13 but here it’s Dec 18?

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the catch @parkan! The 18th is correct, and I've updated the agenda to match the issue and calendar invite.

Excited to hear what topics people would like to discuss this month!

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Looking forward to the next edition of our monthly call, taking place this Wednesday, December 18 at 10am PST | 1pm EST | 6pm UTC.

On this month's call, @parkan is excited to chat about the high social impact applications that can be unlocked by a local / offline first approach, as discussed in this issue.

@nicopace Would this Wednesday's call be a good time for you to tell us about the work on community networks that you've been doing with LibreRouter.org?

Does anyone else have a demo or discussion topic they'd like to add to this month's agenda?

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

The IPFS Local & Offline Collaboration group has an awesome call coming up today with lots on the agenda:

All are welcome to join us on Zoom at 10am PST | 1pm EST | 6pm UTC. See you soon!

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Today's Call:

Missed today's call? Check out the meeting notes or video recording to learn about:

Thanks to @toomim @olivernyc @parkan for sharing today!

Our Next Call:

Our next call will take place on Wednesday, January 15 at 10am PST | 1pm EST | 6pm UTC. We look forward to seeing you again after the holidays!

Do you have a project in the Offline First or local networking space that you'd like to share with us? Please let me know so we can add you to our agenda!

Want to catch up on past conversations? Review our past meeting notes or check out our video archive, with lots of awesome demos.

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Looking forward to this month's IPFS Local & Offline Collaboration call, taking place this Wednesday, January 15 at 10am PST | 1pm EST | 6pm UTC.

@nicopace would this be a good time for you to tell us about your recent work with LibreRouter.org? Anyone else have a demo or discussion topic to share?

nicopace commented 4 years ago

I don't have a presentation prepared (and not in shape for that cause in vacations :)), but would love to join and gladly share how has it been these months in relation to the librerouter approach of geek-free networks (and share a couple of examples to you all so we can collectively think about how to nurture this approach if you see it useful). In march's call I can do a better presentation, as we will probably have the LibreRouter out already so I could do a presentation of it while all of you could be holding one in your hands ;)

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

@nicopace That sounds fabulous. Can't wait to hear what you've been up to, and informal is totally fine. We love to chat! Just added you to the agenda.

Other topics/demos for tomorrow are welcome as well!

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Looking forward to learning more about LibreRouter.org on the IPFS Local & Offline Collaboration call today.

All are welcome to join us on Zoom at 10am PST | 1pm EST | 6pm UTC. See you soon!

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Today's Call:

Missed today's call? Check out the meeting notes or video recording to learn about:

Thanks to Nicolás and Jonathan for sharing today!

Our Next Call:

Our next call will take place on Wednesday, February 19 at 10am PST | 1pm EST | 6pm UTC.

Do you have a project in the Offline First or local networking space that you'd like to share with us? Please let me know so we can add you to our agenda!

Want to catch up on past conversations? Review our past meeting notes or check out our video archive, with lots of awesome demos.

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

We'll be skipping this month's Local Offline Collaboration call due to a conflict for many of our regular participants. Looking forward to seeing everyone on the next edition of the call on Wednesday, March 18.

We'd love your suggestions for discussion or demo topics for next month!

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Looking forward to seeing everyone on today's call at 10:00 AM Pacific / 1:00 PM Eastern / 5:00 PM UTC.

We don't have a guest speaker today, so we'd love to discuss whatever's top of mind for in local and offline collaboration and brainstorm topics for future calls. Disaster response and medical data management are both use cases that feel particularly relevant this month. (Feel free to add discussion topics to our agenda.)

See you on Zoom in 30 minutes!

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

On Yesterday's Call:

Missed yesterday's call? Check out the meeting notes or video recording to catch up on our wide-ranging discussion on topics including:

Thanks to @chafey & @lidel for sharing today!

Our Next Call:

Our next call will take place on Wednesday, April 15 at 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC.

Do you have a project in the Offline First or local networking space that you'd like to share with us? Please let me know so we can add you to our agenda!

Want to catch up on past conversations? Review our past meeting notes or check out our video archive, with lots of awesome demos.

parkan commented 4 years ago

I haven't had a chance to review the recording of the call yet, but it sounds like folks interested in building a searchable database on IPFS should check out https://github.com/bdchain/Minerva

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

On tomorrow's Local & Offline Collaboration call, Jim Kosem (@jkosem) will be walking through the goals, methodology and findings of his research into IPFS and P2P on mobile, and sharing next steps in the project. https://blog.ipfs.io/2020-04-10-ipfs-mobile-design-research/

Hope you can join us tomorrow, Wednesday, April 15 at 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC.

nicopace commented 4 years ago

will join!

nicopace commented 4 years ago

BTW you all might be interested in the forum that we have built from APC.org for communitynetworks: https://communitynetworks.group/ Threre you can find yourself within a community of community networks implementors, users and promoters, regulators and such... and would love to encourage you to participate!

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Yesterday's Call The video recording and notes from yesterday's presentation on IPFS mobile design research are now available! Thanks to @jkosem for sharing, and to everyone who attended for their brainstorming on future discussion topics.

Our Next Call (Moving to Thursdays) Our next monthly call will take place on Thursday, May 21 at 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC. (We're changing our meeting schedule to every 4th Thursday instead of the 3rd Wednesday of the month.)

Do you have a project in the Offline First or local networking space that you'd like to share with us? Please let us know in this thread so we can add you to our agenda!

Want to catch up on past conversations? Review our past meeting notes or check out our video archive, with lots of awesome demos.

autonome commented 4 years ago

We've got a speaker tentatively lined up for May 21 🎉

Meeting time will likely need to be adjusted to be reasonable for UTC+8 however.

autonome commented 4 years ago

On the May 21st Local & Offline Collaboration call Arky will join us to speak about his work building offline digital libraries.

Topic: Offline Knowledge Hotspots: Creating low-cost wifi-enabled and solar-powered digital libraries in schools


Knowledge hotspots innovate and reinvent education to drive greater social innovation and entrepreneurship with improved teaching and learning experiences by providing digital content offline in low-resource schools, providing adaptive self-paced learning material for students that bridge real world and digital instruction. The project uses low-cost, low-power consuming Raspberry Pi single-board computers to create local repository of open content "Digital Library" in schools.

Hope you can join us, Thursday, May 21st at 17:00 UTC

Lewiscowles1986 commented 4 years ago

Two questions:

One was what power-requirements do the system(s) have in terms of voltage & wattage

Second was about collaborative WebVTT authoring tools

My contact details are publicly available via GitHub from my profile and elsewhere. I would be interested in finding out if there are ways I can help as I've been looking into this since around 2015.

arky commented 4 years ago

Sharing the presentation of the talk.


arky commented 4 years ago

@Lewiscowles1986 We are currently experimenting I think with 100w panel and 60a/hr battery. But this needs to optimized in next iteration. Turning off the devices during off-peak times and going for more power efficient SOC boards.

We haven't looked into WebVTT authoring tools. Perhaps I share this suggestion with Kolibri developer team. https://github.com/learningequality/kolibri/

arky commented 4 years ago

@Lewiscowles1986 I have checked Kolibri project and it already supports WebVTT by default. https://kolibri-studio.readthedocs.io/en/develop/make_inclusive_content.html

Lewiscowles1986 commented 4 years ago

Yes, support is different from providing authoring / collaboration tools though, which was my question about WebVTT.

I've submitted a first PR to them

arky commented 4 years ago

Gotcha! Thanks @Lewiscowles1986 My appreciated.

autonome commented 4 years ago

On the June 18th Local & Offline Collaboration call Jim Kosem will join us once more, to share the final results of his work on IPFS Mobile Design Guidelines.

Topic: IPFS Mobile Design Guidelines: Principles for building user-centered and device-respecting IPFS mobile apps and services.


Building on the previous phase of research into how P2P and IPFS are used in apps today and user attitudes around them, we've developed an early set of principles to use when designing and building IPFS and P2P apps and services for mobile devices. We'll walk through the principles and a set of example scenarios that illustrate them in action._

Hope you can join us, Thursday, June 18th at 17:00 UTC

autonome commented 4 years ago

The June 18 meeting is now available to watch on Youtube.

On the next edition for Thursday July 16 2020, Ahmad Ahmadian of https://www.netfreedompioneers.org will join us to talk about their work making critical content available offline when it is needed most!

Topic: Reach Beyond Communication Barriers


Exploring alternative solutions like Knapsack satellite filecasting to inject content into IPFS and other P2P networks during internet shutdown or in offline communities.

Hope you can join us, Thursday, July 16th at 17:00 UTC

nicopace commented 4 years ago

Hi all, There is an event that will happen this wednesday that I am sure you will definitely enjoy. https://www.meetup.com/dweb-berlin/events/272120947/ Hope to see you there!

yiannisbot commented 4 years ago

Topic: This week we will be discussing the future of Local Offline Communications call and WG.

Hope you can join us, Thursday, August 13th at 17:00 UTC

See when this is in your timezone View this event on the IPFS Community Calendar Join us on Zoom when the time comes

yiannisbot commented 3 years ago

We will have to cancel today's call because of the clash with IPFS community call.

We will update this issue when we have a date for the next call.

yiannisbot commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, due to other priorities and clashing Protocol Labs events in this busy period, we will have to reschedule this meeting too.

We will update this issue when we have a date for the next call.

yiannisbot commented 3 years ago

The current Thursday slot is not convenient due to other clashing events & commitments. We will be picking another slot earlier in the week - we are happy to hear suggestions. Once this is agreed we will schedule the next event accordingly.

autonome commented 3 years ago

@yiannisbot @terichadbourne and I met and are rebooting this meetup starting in March 🎉 We've got a couple of talks in mind. If you have topics or discussion you'd like to see, file a new issue and request it!

The time will also move back to Wednesdays - now will be 9 Pacific / 12 Eastern / 5 UK / 6 Europe on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.

The next edition of this meeting will be March 10. Will post speaker and joining info before then.

yiannisbot commented 3 years ago

In this week's meetup and in particular a little later today (10th March at 5pm UTC) we're excited to have Fission talk to us about local-first apps on IPFS with Fission. Boris and Brooke will talk to us about how Fission uses js-ipfs, their user-centric identity, and the WNFS encrypted file system.

Make sure to join to learn all about it!

bmann commented 3 years ago

Thanks for having us!

Slides are here https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeiaqqffs75s725sptnkvzq7dp4ds2lcx5ttlrrng72jrgbw3ef76mm

autonome commented 3 years ago

Video from today's talk. Thanks Fission.codes for coming to speak!


yiannisbot commented 3 years ago

Fantastic session with lots of material and apps to follow up on - highly recommended! Thanks @bmann and team!

yiannisbot commented 3 years ago

We will have to cancel tomorrow's session due to other unforeseen commitments. The next event will take place on Wednesday the 12th of May. We will update this issue ahead of time with presenter info.

I would like to also encourage others from this community to contribute by organising calls, even if the main organisers (@autonome @terichadbourne and myself) are not available, and also invite others to come and present! Remember, above all, this is a community effort and not an effort run exclusively by the people mentioned above! :)

terichadbourne commented 3 years ago

Hi, folks! Due to some recent shifting in priorities and schedules, we've decided to schedule our IPFS Local Offline Collaboration calls on demand rather than on a monthly cadence. We're still eager to meet and share demos or discussions on topics of interest to the group, but will await volunteers to offer to lead sessions before scheduling. Please continue to stay tuned here for updates or jump in on this thread to propose a demo for our next session!

Between calls, we encourage folks to make use of these async channels to share resources and and chat with fellow aficionados of offline/local-first tech:

Look forward to chatting with you in these channels and coordinating demos here when folks have fun stuff to share!