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No xmltv_id for UTV (Czech) and Praha (Czech) #2453

Closed Rodri-06009 closed 6 days ago

Rodri-06009 commented 1 month ago




I was creating my channels.xml file but i search for UTV (Czech) and Phara TV xmltv_id, but is was just this " " can you help me please ?

freearhey commented 1 month ago

UTV - UTV.cz (https://iptv-org.github.io/channels/cz/UTV) Phara TV - missing from the iptv-org/database. Here is the form through which it can be added to it: https://github.com/iptv-org/database/issues/new?assignees=&labels=channels%3Aadd&projects=&template=__channels_add.yml&title=Add%3A+