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Utilities for downloading the EPG (Electronic Program Guide) for thousands of TV channels from hundreds of sources.
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Getting 403s and 404s on tvtvus and movistarplus #2466

Closed Mauricio300808 closed 4 days ago

Mauricio300808 commented 1 week ago


tvtv.us and movistarplus.es


Getting 403s and 404s on tvtvus and movistarplus

Guito-del commented 1 week ago

Hi, movistarplus.es is broken. Any update is available ?? Thx

nickleby commented 1 week ago

tvtv.us seems to only need headers to avoid the 403, movistarplus changed the epg schedule website and now the structure is very similar to the andorradifusio.ad site, maybe @freearhey can take a look at it and adapt the andorradifusio.ad to movistarplus.es :)

davidclaeysquinones commented 1 week ago

I've been investigating the issue for movistar plus and they recently changed their api. UP until this point I haven't found a way to fix the issue.

davidclaeysquinones commented 1 week ago

look at https://github.com/iptv-org/epg/pull/2440

fraudiay79 commented 1 week ago

I'm currently working on an alternative to get the guide from orangetv.orange.es (https://orangetv.orange.es/epg), but with my limited knowledge in js scripting I have run into a stumbling block. I'm able to parse the channels correctly, but the epg content returns 0 programs. Can someone here take a look and correct it; then share with this repo? Thank you.

const dayjs = require('dayjs')

module.exports = {
  site: 'orangetv.es',
  days: 2,
  request: {
    cache: {
      ttl: 60 * 60 * 1000 // 1 hour
  url({ date }) {
    return `https://epg.orangetv.orange.es/epg/Smartphone_Android/1_PRO/${date.format('YYYYMMDD')}_8h_1.json`
  parser: function ({ content }) {
    let programs = []
    const items = parseItems(content)
    items.forEach(item => {
        title: item.programs.name,
        description: item.programs.description,
        season: item.programs.seriesSeason || null,
        episode: item.programs.episodeId || null,
        start: parseStart(item),
        stop: parseStop(item)

    return programs
  async channels() {
    const axios = require('axios')
    const data = await axios
      .then(r => r.data)
    return data.response.map(item => {
      return {
        lang: 'es',
    name: item.name,
        site_id: item.externalChannelId

function parseStart(item) {
  if (!item.programs || !item.programs.startDate) return null

  return item.startDate ? dayjs.unix(item.programs.startDate) : null

function parseStop(item) {
  if (!item.programs || !item.programs.endDate) return null

  return item.endDate ? dayjs.unix(item.programs.endDate) : null

function parseItems(content) {
  const data = JSON.parse(content)
  if (!data || !data.programs) return []

  return data.programs
davidclaeysquinones commented 1 week ago

The PR is ready and modified, so not necessarily needed to make code for a new provider.

I'll indulge myself and point out the existence of https://github.com/davidclaeysquinones/epg-info-docker. With the custom fixes enabled all should work again.

fraudiay79 commented 1 week ago

Awesome. Would you have time to take a look at my file as well as a backup source?

davidclaeysquinones commented 1 week ago

I'm more than happy to look at it over the weekend. Another provider certainly can't hurt. Just in order to set my expectations, have you already tested your code ?

Mauricio300808 commented 1 week ago

Nice!! I also pushed a change to add headers to tvtv.us and seems to be working fine. Thank you guys

fraudiay79 commented 1 week ago

Thank you. I ran separate tests for retrieving the channels list and the epg. When I tested the generating the channels it was successful. When I try to grab the epg content it retrieves 0 programs for each channel, and no error is displayed

Mauricio300808 commented 1 week ago

@davidclaeysquinones i tried the code in your PR but still getting 0 channels from movistar :/ I used this code in the config file

`const { DateTime } = require('luxon');

const API_CHANNEL_ENDPOINT = 'https://www.movistarplus.es/programacion-tv';
const API_PROGRAM_ENDPOINT = 'https://comunicacion.movistarplus.es';
const API_IMAGE_ENDPOINT = 'https://www.movistarplus.es/recorte/n/caratulaH/';

module.exports = {
  site: 'movistarplus.es',
  days: 2,
  url: function ({ date, channel }) {
    if (channel) {
      return `${API_PROGRAM_ENDPOINT}/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php`;
    return `https://www.movistarplus.es/programacion-tv/${date.format('YYYY-MM-DD')}?v=json`;
  request: {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      Referer: `${API_PROGRAM_ENDPOINT}/programacion/`,
      "Content-Type": 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
    data: function ({ channel, date }) {
      return {
        action: 'getProgramation',
        day: date.format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
        "channels[]": channel.site_id,
  parser({ content, channel, date }) {
    let programs = [];
    let items = parseItems(content, channel);
    if (!items.length) return programs;

    items.forEach((item) => {
      let startTime = DateTime.fromFormat(
        `${date.format('YYYY-MM-DD')} ${item.HORA_INICIO}`,
        'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm',
          zone: 'Europe/Madrid',

      let stopTime = DateTime.fromFormat(
        `${date.format('YYYY-MM-DD')} ${item.HORA_FIN}`,
        'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm',
          zone: 'Europe/Madrid',

      if (stopTime < startTime) {
        stopTime = stopTime.plus({ days: 1 });

        title: item.des_evento_rejilla,
        category: item.des_genero,
        icon: parseIcon(item, channel),
        start: startTime,
        stop: stopTime,

    return programs;

function parseIcon(item, channel) {
  return `${API_IMAGE_ENDPOINT}/M${channel.site_id}P${item.ELEMENTO}`;

function parseItems(content, channel) {
  const json = typeof content === 'string' ? JSON.parse(content) : content;
  const data = json.channelsProgram;

  if (!data || data.length !== 1) return [];
  return data[0].PROGRAMAS || [];
davidclaeysquinones commented 1 week ago

I hope they haven't changed the API again When I tested it worked.

Mauricio300808 commented 1 week ago

@davidclaeysquinones this code works for me:

const { DateTime } = require('luxon');
const axios = require('axios');

const API_PROGRAM_ENDPOINT = 'https://comunicacion.movistarplus.es';
const API_IMAGE_ENDPOINT = 'https://www.movistarplus.es/recorte/n/caratulaH/'; // Define the image endpoint

module.exports = {
  site: 'movistarplus.es',
  days: 2,
  url: function ({ channel, date }) {
    const luxonDate = DateTime.fromJSDate(new Date(date)); // Ensure `date` is converted
    return `${API_PROGRAM_ENDPOINT}/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php`;
  request: {
    method: 'POST', // Try GET if POST fails
    headers: {
      Referer: `${API_PROGRAM_ENDPOINT}/programacion/`,
      "Content-Type": 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
    data: function ({ channel, date }) {
      const luxonDate = DateTime.fromJSDate(new Date(date)); // Ensure `date` is converted
      return {
        action: 'getProgramation',
        day: luxonDate.toFormat('yyyy-MM-dd'),
        "channels[]": channel.site_id
  async fetchData({ channel, date }) {
    const luxonDate = DateTime.fromJSDate(new Date(date)); // Ensure `date` is converted
    const payload = {
      action: 'getProgramation',
      day: luxonDate.toFormat('yyyy-MM-dd'),
      "channels[]": channel.site_id

    try {
      console.log('Request Payload:', payload);

      const response = await axios({
        method: this.request.method,
        url: this.url({ channel, date }),
        headers: this.request.headers,
        data: new URLSearchParams(payload).toString() // For POST

      console.log('Response Status:', response.status);
      console.log('Response Data:', response.data);

      return this.parser({ content: response.data, channel, date });
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error Status:', error.response?.status);
      console.error('Error Data:', error.response?.data);

      // If 405, retry with GET method
      if (error.response?.status === 405 && this.request.method === 'POST') {
        console.log('Retrying with GET...');
        return this.retryWithGet({ channel, date });

      return null; // Handle the error gracefully
  async retryWithGet({ channel, date }) {
    const luxonDate = DateTime.fromJSDate(new Date(date));
    const query = new URLSearchParams({
      action: 'getProgramation',
      day: luxonDate.toFormat('yyyy-MM-dd'),
      "channels[]": channel.site_id

    const url = `${this.url({ channel, date })}?${query}`;
    try {
      const response = await axios.get(url, { headers: this.request.headers });
      console.log('GET Response Status:', response.status);
      console.log('GET Response Data:', response.data);
      return this.parser({ content: response.data, channel, date });
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('GET Error Status:', error.response?.status);
      console.error('GET Error Data:', error.response?.data);
      return null;
  parser({ content, channel, date }) {
    const json = typeof content === 'string' ? JSON.parse(content) : content;

    // Ensure proper parsing of the data
    if (!json || !json.channelsProgram || json.channelsProgram.length === 0) {
      console.error('No programs found in the response.');
      return [];

    const programs = json.channelsProgram[0]; // Assuming first array contains program data

    // Map over the programs and parse relevant data
    return programs.map((item) => {
      const startTime = DateTime.fromFormat(
        `${date} ${item.f_evento_rejilla}`,
        'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',
        { zone: 'Europe/Madrid' }

      const stopTime = DateTime.fromFormat(
        `${date} ${item.f_fin_evento_rejilla}`,
        'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',
        { zone: 'Europe/Madrid' }

      return {
        title: item.des_evento_rejilla,
        icon: this.parseIcon(item), // Use the `parseIcon` function
        category: item.des_genero,
        start: startTime,
        stop: stopTime
  parseIcon(item) {
    // Construct the icon URL
    return `${API_IMAGE_ENDPOINT}${item.cod_evento_rejilla}.jpg`; // Ensure it's referencing the correct image
davidclaeysquinones commented 1 week ago

Did you get the images to work properly?

Guito-del commented 1 week ago

This Code worked for me too. THX all

Mauricio300808 commented 1 week ago

here is a much cleaner code. I do not see the icons though...

const { DateTime } = require('luxon');

const API_CHANNEL_ENDPOINT = 'https://www.movistarplus.es/programacion-tv';
const API_PROGRAM_ENDPOINT = 'https://comunicacion.movistarplus.es';
const API_IMAGE_ENDPOINT = 'https://www.movistarplus.es/recorte/n/caratulaH/';

module.exports = {
  site: 'movistarplus.es',
  days: 2,
  url: function ({ channel, date }) {
    return `${API_PROGRAM_ENDPOINT}/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php`;
  request: {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      Referer: `${API_PROGRAM_ENDPOINT}/programacion/`,
      "Content-Type" : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
    data: function ({ channel, date }) {
      return {
        action: 'getProgramation',
        day: date.format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
        "channels[]": channel.site_id,
  parser({ content, channel, date }) {
    let programs = [];
    let items = parseItems(content, channel);
    if (!items.length) return programs;

    items.forEach(item => {
      let startTime = DateTime.fromFormat(
        'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',
        { zone: 'Europe/Madrid' }

      let stopTime = DateTime.fromFormat(
        'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',
        { zone: 'Europe/Madrid' }

      // Adjust stop time if it's on the next day
      if (stopTime < startTime) {
        stopTime = stopTime.plus({ days: 1 });

        title: item.des_evento_rejilla,
        icon: parseIcon(item, channel),
        category: item.des_genero,
        start: startTime,
        stop: stopTime,

    return programs;

function parseIcon(item, channel) {
  return `${API_IMAGE_ENDPOINT}/M${channel.site_id}P${item.ELEMENTO}`;

function parseItems(content, channel) {
  const json = typeof content === 'string' ? JSON.parse(content) : content;
  const data = json.channelsProgram;

  if (data.length !== 1) return [];
  return data[0];
davidclaeysquinones commented 1 week ago

Well in the first version you used item.cod_evento_rejilla and in the second item.ELEMENTO. I was having trouble retrieving the program images with the new API version so I was wondering if you figured that out.

davidclaeysquinones commented 5 days ago

I've updated https://github.com/iptv-org/epg/pull/2440. It now also gets the correct program images.

In order it get it mergeable I need to rework the test suite for the provider. If someone wants to help out feel free to contribute to https://github.com/davidclaeysquinones/epg/tree/movistar.es.

Until the PR is not approved the fixes won't be available on the main branch. First it needs to get in a mergeable state and after that it depends on when a maintainer approves it.

Up until then you can edit the server code manually or if you use the Docker image you can enable the custom fixes.

davidclaeysquinones commented 5 days ago

@fraudiay79 I haven't got around checking your code. If you're okay with at some point I will make a branch on my fork so that at some point we can make a PR. I can add you as a contributor so that you can take credit of your work.

davidclaeysquinones commented 2 days ago

@fraudiay79 I took a look at your code and after some tweaking I manages to get something going. You can take a look at my fork of the repo. My plan is to at some point submit a PR, but before that I need to write some tests.