iqrfsdk / iqrf-daemon

IQRF daemon with the multiple communication channels - UDP/MQ/MQTT.
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JSON structure for standard devices #49

Open spinarr opened 7 years ago

spinarr commented 7 years ago

Proposal for standard devices is being created.

PNUM:0x50 (sensor) PCMD:0x00 (read) / 0x01 (read with types) HWPID:0xXX.XX (manufacturer+type) BITMAP:0xXX.XX.XX.XX

Not present in dpa request (reading first sensor) Empty in dpa request 0x00.00.00.00 (enumeration ... return sensors types only) Mask is provided (only selected sensors are read)

0x01 Temperature 0x02 CO2 0x03 VOC 0x80 Humidity 0x81 Binary data

0x90 1-byte value 0xE0 2-byte value

UserData[0] 0x50 (sensor) UserData[1] sxxi.iiii (sleep, reserved, index 0...31) UserData[2...4] same format as cmd_os_sleep

We have first JSON proposal here, but review is need.

Roman3349 commented 7 years ago

@spinarr @fmikulu: Please add sensor type: atmospheric pressure.

fmikulu commented 7 years ago

We need a data base of:

To support human readable JsonDpaMessages and correct consistent parsing/encoding Json/DPA Lets call it the Repository a kind of DB. It is not important for now if represented by a configuration file, downloadable file, relational DB a HttpService, etc. It shall represent these structures:

Sensor types

Sensor Id Value Type Min Max Units
thermometer 1 int8_t -30 100 Celsius
co2 2 uint16_t 0 100000 ppm


Standard Devices

Device HWPID Manufacturer
DD-CSE 0x0101 Microrisc
PRT-01 0x0201 Protronix


Sensor Mapping (could be large - relation between the previous one)

HWPID Sensor DPA Flag Mapping
0x0101 1 0x01
0x0101 2 0x02
0x0201 1 0x11
0x0201 2 0x12


Then the messsages could be (just mandatory pars) shall be easy based on known structures above:




    "temperature": "25.2 °C",
    "co2": "50000 ppm",

To be discussed:

fmikulu commented 7 years ago

To @Roman3349 it is just proposal how to cope with it for now, but indeed barometer is important as well

fmikulu commented 7 years ago

Standard devices

Proposal of standard devices repository structure (as it would be implemented by SQL DB)

Sensor types

According the draft IQRFA-StandardSensor_V009.pdf it is not easy to prepare formal parametric description of general evaluation algorithm of measured data. It differs significantly for all described sensors up to now.

If we have an ambition to allow future online download of a new sensor, it seems unavoidable to download a shared library (driver) and install it during runtime (shall be possible in v2.0.0) - precompiled for supported platforms running the iqrf-daemon

It could be:

SensorName SensorId Driver
temperature 0x01 StdTemperature
CO2 0x02 StdCO2
VOC 0x03 StdVOC
Humidity 0x80 StdHumidity


An alternative would be to find out a general function (or two for signed and unsigned values) to describe the conversion from binary format to float, eq:

*_F = resolutionVal + offset_**

Then it could be (coding discussed bellow):

SensorName SensorId resolution offset units coding
temperature 0x01 0.0625 0 Celsius normal
CO2 0x02 1 0 ppm normal
VOC 0x03 1 0 ppm normal
humidity 0x80 0.5 0 % normal


However according the draft it differs even for return value and FRC-1,2B so there shall be more lines or more columns per sensor, e.g (just an example, numbers are not accurate according the draft):

SensorName SensorId resolution offset units coding
temperature 0x01 0.0625 0 Celsius ret
temperature 0x01 0.5 4 Celsius frc1
temperature 0x01 0.0625 22 Celsius frc2


Standard Devices

It is description of multi-sensor devices (can have more details)

Device HWPID Manufacturer
DD-CSE 0x0101 Microrisc
PRT-01 0x0201 Protronix


Sensor Mapping

This table is relation between the two above. It describes which sensors are implemented on the devices and mapping (flags) to bitmasks (as described by the draft). The column Name can held arbitrary name and it is up to producer

HWPID SensorId Flag Name
0x0101 0x01 0x01 temperature1
0x0101 0x01 0x02 temperature2
0x0101 0x02 0x03 carbondioxid
0x0201 0x03 0x01 benzin
0x0201 0x80 0x12 humidity


Roman3349 commented 7 years ago

@fmikulu Correct English name of benzin is gasoline (AmE) or petrol (BrE). Correct English name of carbondioxid is carbondioxide.

fmikulu commented 7 years ago

To @Roman3349 just an example of the device for Czenglish speaking markets :-)