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jjleng/sensei: Yet another open source Perplexity #837

Open ShellLM opened 2 weeks ago

ShellLM commented 2 weeks ago

jjleng/sensei: Yet another open source Perplexity


"Sensei Search is an AI-powered tool designed to deliver the relevant search results.




Tech Stack

Sensei Search is built using the following technologies:

How to Run Sensei Search

You can run Sensei Search either locally on your machine or in the cloud.

Running Locally

Follow these steps to run Sensei Search locally:

Prepare the backend environment:

cd sensei_root_folder/backend/
mv .env.development.example .env.development
Edit .env.development as needed. The example environment assumes you run models through Ollama. Make sure you have reasonably good GPUs to run the command-r model.

No need to do anything for the frontend.

Run the app with the following command:

cd sensei_root_folder/
docker compose up

Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000

Running in the Cloud

We deploy the app to AWS using paka. Please note that the models require GPU instances to run.

Before you start, make sure you have:

The configuration for the cluster is located in the cluster.yaml file. You'll need to replace the HF_TOKEN value in cluster.yaml with your own Hugging Face token. This is necessary because the mistral-7b and command-r models require your account to have accepted their terms and conditions.

Follow these steps to run Sensei Search in the cloud:

Install paka:

pip install paka

Provision the cluster in AWS:

make provision-prod

Deploy the backend:

make deploy-backend

Deploy the frontend:

make deploy-frontend

Get the URL of the frontend:

paka function list

Open the URL in your browser."

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ShellLM commented 2 weeks ago

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