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Extend the export API to dump all measurements at a given time or close to to it #155

Open dharezlak opened 8 years ago

dharezlak commented 8 years ago

Filtering should allow for picking BK, NS or all sensors. Blocks

mkasztelnik commented 8 years ago

I propose to implement it in asynchronous way (currently export all experiment data is able to kill DAP):

  1. export request generates sidekiq job with export details (inside request all details + user email should be given)
  2. export sidekiq job is dumping experiment data into file
  3. after export is completed email is sent to the email given in the export export
bwilk commented 8 years ago

BBB comment should be included here, I guess: "[...] jeśli to nie problem, to modelarzom przydałby się eksport eksperymentu z zapasem 2 dób przed jego rozpoczęciem i minimum 1 doby po. Przed modelowaniem fali musimy ustabilizować model rzeczywistymi wartościami parametrów. A modelujemy zawsze jeszcze jakiś czas po zakończeniu eksperymentu do walidacji modelu."

mkasztelnik commented 7 years ago

What about this issue? It blocks ...