isontheline /

iOS / iPadOS / macOS SSH Client
MIT License
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WebSSH and Stage Manager #1107

Open mem16421 opened 2 months ago

mem16421 commented 2 months ago

Bug description

Put here a clear and concise description of what the bug is When using WebSSH in Stage Manager mode, and sharing the screen with another app, WebSSH wont allow me to change the focus to type. I can bring the other app to the foreground, but any key input goes to WebSSH. It appears to only do it when I am connected and in an ssh session. As an example I am typing this bug report inside of WebSSH and the behavior is not present


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem

Steps to reproduce

  1. Error is thrown
isontheline commented 2 months ago

Hello @mem16421 👋

Thank you for reporting this issue 🙏

I will begin check it tonight and I will come back to you

isontheline commented 2 months ago

You're right!

Current workaround (before a fix found) : use the keyboard icon to dismiss keyboard :
