As a user I would like to add partners to a specific StreetCode
Acceptance Criteria -add/remove
Admin is able to add an existing partner from a dropdown
Admin is able to remove partner
Acceptance Criteria - add new Partner
Admin is able to add a new partner via button "Додати". This step should open a modal window with all described fields
Admin is able to enter a name of a partner. The mandatory field, symbols limit is 100.
Admin is able to add a link to the partner's website. Not a mandatory field, symbols limit is 200.
If a link was added, Admin is able to add a custom name for a link, which will be displayed as a hyperlink leading to entered URL.
Admin is able to add a description to a partner's card. Not a mandatory field, symbols limit is 450.
Admin is able to add one logo of a partner as an image. This is a mandatory step.
Admin is able to add links to partner's social networks, mandatory steps for this action:
-Admin should select a social network from the dropdown with the following options: Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, X.
-Admin should add a link to the corresponding social network
System validates if added link is for selected in dropdown social network.
Symbols limit for the link is 255.
Admin is able to mark a partner as a "Key Partner" via a checkbox. If it was marked so - this partner should be displayed as a key partner on a partner's page (bigger size - 350x106 px), if not - he will appear in "Партнери" page.
Admin is able to mark a partner as a "Visible for everyone" via a checkbox. If it was marked so - this partner should be displayed on each existing StreetCode.
As a user I would like to add partners to a specific StreetCode
Acceptance Criteria -add/remove
Acceptance Criteria - add new Partner