Implement a way to customize mermaid's theme. According to the mermaid'sdocs:
Customizing Themes with themeVariables
To make a custom theme, modify themeVariables via init.
You will need to use the base theme as it is the only modifiable theme.
So we can solve this exposing an API that looks like this:
moduleGraphConfig {
Base(themeVariables = // Optional
"primaryColor" to "#BB2528",
"primaryTextColor" to "#fff",
"primaryBorderColor" to "#7C0000",
"lineColor" to "#F8B229",
"secondaryColor" to "#006100",
"tertiaryColor" to "#fff"
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Implement a way to customize mermaid's theme. According to the
docs:So we can solve this exposing an API that looks like this:
🤚 Do you want to develop this feature yourself?