ivadomed / canproco

Code for preprocessing the CanProCo brain and spinal cord dataset
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Poor data quality: PSIR #53

Open valosekj opened 11 months ago

valosekj commented 11 months ago

This issue summarizes PSIR images with poor data quality.


plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Similar to sub-mon118 Similarly to the above subject (sub_mon118), the following files were found to have similar issue of data quality:

In the above images, we can see the shift from black to white, from one slide to another

Blurry image The following subject has a very blurry image:

Motion The following subject has very strong motion on alternating slices :

jcohenadad commented 11 months ago

sub-tor133_ses-M0_PSIR.nii.gz: Should it be discarded ?

Yes I would say so

p.s. I suggest to create one post per subject (instead of showing multiple subjects per post), so that we can more easily cross-ref one subject with a unique URL (eg: in the exclude.yml file, when communicating with Shannon, etc.)

valosekj commented 11 months ago

sub-van206_ses-M0_PSIR.nii.gz Should it be disccarded and included in the exlude.yml file ?

Yes, please, include the image to the exlude.yml file

sub-tor133_ses-M0_PSIR.nii.gz Should it be discarded ?

Yes, please, include the image to the exlude.yml file

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Referencing a data quality issue for sub-mon006_ses-M0 which was previously described in this issue

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Problem with sub_mon009_ses-M0_PSIR.nii.gz. Linked to a strong motion artifact.

Similar image quality problem as in issue 43 for image sub-mon118_ses-M0

Image added to exclude.yml to exclude it in future works.

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Problem with sub_mon032_ses-M0_PSIR.nii.gz. Linked to a strong motion artifact.

Similar image quality problem as in issue 43 for image sub-mon118_ses-M0

Image added to exclude.yml to exclude it in future works.

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Problem with sub_mon097_ses-M0_PSIR.nii.gz. Linked to a strong motion artifact.

Similar image quality problem as in issue 43 for image sub-mon118_ses-M0

Image added to exclude.yml to exclude it in future works.

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Problem with sub_mon148_ses-M0_PSIR.nii.gz. Linked to a strong motion artifact.

Similar image quality problem as in issue 43 for image sub-mon118_ses-M0

Image added to exclude.yml to exclude it in future works.

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Problem with sub_mon168_ses-M0_PSIR.nii.gz. Linked to a strong motion artifact.

Similar image quality problem as in issue 43 for image sub-mon118_ses-M0

Image added to exclude.yml to exclude it in future works.

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Problem with sub_mon191_ses-M0_PSIR.nii.gz. Linked to a strong motion artifact.

Similar image quality problem as in issue 43 for image sub-mon118_ses-M0

Image added to exclude.yml to exclude it in future works.

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Problem with sub_van176_ses-M0_PSIR.nii.gz. Linked to a strong motion artifact.

Similar image quality problem as in issue 43 for image sub-mon118_ses-M0

Image added to exclude.yml to exclude it in future works.

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Problem with sub_van206_ses-M0_PSIR.nii.gz. The image is very blury as it can be seen in the below GIF:

ezgif com-video-to-gif (8)

Image added to exclude.yml to exclude it in future works.

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Problem with sub_tor133_ses-M0_PSIR.nii.gz. There is a very big motion which can be seen on alternating slices. It can be seen in the below GIF:

ezgif com-video-to-gif (7)

Image added to exclude.yml to exclude it in future works.

valosekj commented 11 months ago
valosekj commented 11 months ago

Kapture 2023-10-12 at 14 25 19

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Poor image quality reported while doing QC in this post (link):

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Poor image quality reported while doing QC in this post (link):

The quality is poor, but the spinal cord is still visible. Keeping it for now

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Poor image quality reported while doing QC in this post (link):

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Poor image quality reported while doing QC in this post (link): motion on alternating slices

SC segmentation didn't work well, but SC is pretty visible: keeping it for now

jcohenadad commented 11 months ago

p.s. for all the subjects showing motion across odd/even slices, there is a "simple" pre-processing method we could implement, which consists in co-registering the odd and even slices.

valosekj commented 11 months ago

p.s. for all the subjects showing motion across odd/even slices, there is a "simple" pre-processing method we could implement, which consists in co-registering the odd and even slices.

Good point! Cross-referring relevant issue: https://github.com/ivadomed/canproco/issues/19

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

sub-mon175_ses-M0 has poor image quality

ezgif com-gif-maker (1)

Keeping it for now as SC is still visible

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Subject sub-tor014 should be removed : too blury

ezgif com-video-to-gif

valosekj commented 11 months ago

Keeping it for now as SC is still visible

valosekj commented 11 months ago

Keeping it for now as SC is still visible

valosekj commented 11 months ago

Kapture 2023-10-13 at 11 41 04

valosekj commented 11 months ago

Keeping it for now as SC is still visible

valosekj commented 11 months ago

Keeping it for now as SC is still visible

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Impossible to perform disc_labeling on subject sub-van181_ses-M0_PSIR.nii.gz

Screen Shot 2023-10-17 at 5 39 50 PM

Keeping it as SC is still visible.

plbenveniste commented 11 months ago

Impossible to perform disc_labeling on subject sub-van201_ses-M0_PSIR.nii.gz

Screen Shot 2023-10-17 at 5 43 16 PM
plbenveniste commented 4 months ago

Subject sub-mon050_ses-M0_PSIR has strong motion : added to exclude.yml file

Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 2 18 50 PM
plbenveniste commented 3 months ago

Small motion artifact on sub-mon118_ses-M12 making lesion detection/segmentation too complicated

ezgif com-animated-gif-maker (3)

simonqueric commented 3 months ago

Motion artefact on sub-mon077_ses-M0.


Should we add it to the exclude.yml ?

plbenveniste commented 3 months ago

Motion artefact on sub-mon077_ses-M0. Should we add it to the exclude.yml ?

Yes, I think so!

simonqueric commented 3 months ago

Small motion artefact on sub-mon029_ses-M0 :


plbenveniste commented 3 months ago

Small motion artefact on sub-mon029_ses-M0 :

I added this one and the previous one as well.

simonqueric commented 3 months ago


plbenveniste commented 3 months ago

Good catch! Added as well!

simonqueric commented 3 months ago

As we can see the spinal cord, I'm not sure if we should put it on exclude.yml.


plbenveniste commented 3 months ago

Hum, that's a good question! I would suggest not adding it to the exclude.yml since the image is good enough to obtain both a SC seg and a lesion seg (and the subject has lesions). What do you think @valosekj @jcohenadad ?

jcohenadad commented 3 months ago

I would suggest not adding it to the exclude.yml since the image is good enough to obtain both a SC seg and a lesion seg (and the subject has lesions).


simonqueric commented 3 months ago


The segmentation of the spinal cord seems alright.

simonqueric commented 3 months ago


The segmentation is bad. Added to exclude.yml

simonqueric commented 3 months ago


Added to exclude.yml

simonqueric commented 3 months ago


The segmentation fails but the lesions are visible. Keeping it for now.

simonqueric commented 3 months ago


The segmentation of the spinal cord seems alright.

simonqueric commented 3 months ago


Added to exclude.yml

plbenveniste commented 3 months ago

Referencing a previous file sub-mon052_ses-M0 which has already been added : link