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Automatically disable Bling when running macros #18

Closed ChausseBenjamin closed 2 years ago

ChausseBenjamin commented 4 years ago

The plugin is really great. The only thing I currently find lacking is a simple way to have Bling automatically disable itself when running macros... If I run a macro multiple times, It's a lot longer to run if every times it finds a pattern (with N or n), it blinks. A flag (say let g:BlingDisableOnMacro=1) would be great implementation for this!

ivyl commented 4 years ago

I think this makes a lot of sense, even as the default.

Sadly, I haven't found a way to tell when something is executed as a part of a macro. According to the docs (@): "The register is executed like a mapping", but there's also no way to figure out we are inside macro either.

If you find something let me know.

cd-a commented 2 years ago

In lightspeed you can handle it like this: https://github.com/ggandor/lightspeed.nvim/issues/7#issuecomment-869013183

Maybe this would be applicable here as well?

ChausseBenjamin commented 2 years ago

I'm not enough of a vim ninja to know if this is possible but perhaps a timer could do the trick. When vim-bling is called, it start a timer (say 100ms). This timer should be asynchronous so that it doesn't stall vim while waiting for it to end. Then if vim-bling is called withing that 100ms threshold, it disables itself until it gets called with a human sensible delay. This would probably also disable vim-bling when a user holds down the n key and when it's used along a motion (like typing12n or 12N). What do you guys think?