MoniGo is a performance monitoring library for Go apps, offering real-time insights into service-level and function-level metrics. With an intuitive UI, it enables developers to track and optimize performance. Get your Go app's dashboard up in just 10 seconds!
After reviewing the feedback, it seems the default port change was missed during the code merge. Additionally, a minor enhancement has been added to the function trace logic.
The monigo.TraceFunction(func()) method accept func(){} as a type.
Example Usage:
func apiHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Trace function: when the highMemoryUsage function is called, it will be traced.
w.Write([]byte("API1 response: memexpensiveFunc"))
func highMemoryUsage() {
// Simulate high memory usage by allocating a large slice
largeSlice := make([]float64, 1e8) // 100 million elements
for i := 0; i < len(largeSlice); i++ {
largeSlice[i] = float64(i)
Update on Code Changes
After reviewing the feedback, it seems the default port change was missed during the code merge. Additionally, a minor enhancement has been added to the function trace logic.
method acceptfunc(){}
as a type.Example Usage: