izniburak / appstore-notifications-go

App Store Server Notification V2 Package for Golang
MIT License
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App Store Server Notifications in Golang PkgGoDev

appstore-notifications-go is a Golang package designed to assist in handling, verifying, and parsing the App Store Server Notifications, which is a webhook service corresponds to Apple's App Store events related to your apps.

App Store Server Notifications is a service provided by Apple for its App Store. It's designed to notify developers about key events and changes related to their app's in-app purchases and subscriptions. By integrating this service into their server-side logic, developers can receive real-time (I think, almost real-time) updates about various events without having to repeatedly poll the Apple servers.


To install the package, you can use following command on your terminal in your project directory:

go get github.com/izniburak/appstore-notifications-go


package main

import (
    appstore "github.com/izniburak/appstore-notifications-go"

func main() {
    // App Store Server Notification Request JSON String
    appStoreServerRequest := "..." // {"signedPayload":"..."}
    var request appstore.AppStoreServerRequest
    err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(appStoreServerRequest), &request) // bind byte to header structure
    if err != nil {

    // Apple Root CA - G3 Root certificate
    // for details: https://www.apple.com/certificateauthority/
    // you need download it and covert it to a valid pem file in order to verify X5c certificates
    // `openssl x509 -in AppleRootCA-G3.cer -out cert.pem`
    rootCert := "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ......"
    if rootCert == "" {
        panic("Apple Root Cert not valid")

    appStoreServerNotification := appstore.New(request.SignedPayload, rootCert)
    fmt.Printf("App Store Server Notification is valid?: %t\n", appStoreServerNotification.IsValid)
    fmt.Printf("Product Id: %s\n", appStoreServerNotification.TransactionInfo.ProductId)

You can access the all data in the payload by using one of the 4 params in instance of the AppStoreServerNotification:


  1. Fork this repo
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request



The MIT License (MIT) - see license.md for more details