The Apostle Engine is an in-development 2D/3D game engine. The aim for the Apostle Engine to is to be a lightweight, multi-platform tool that can be used by solo developers or small teams as an alternative to massive applications like Unreal and Unity.
Apache License 2.0
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Precompiled header needs to be manually added to ImGui file when opening project for the first time #1
When cloning the repository from Github, you must add #include "APpch.h" to the list of includes in the _imgui_implglfw.cpp file to include the precompiled header. This can be found at the following filepath: Apostle/vendor/imgui/backends
Probably fixable by modifying the imgui premake file for the project, but haven't had a chance to look into it yet.
When cloning the repository from Github, you must add
#include "APpch.h"
to the list of includes in the _imgui_implglfw.cpp file to include the precompiled header. This can be found at the following filepath: Apostle/vendor/imgui/backendsProbably fixable by modifying the imgui premake file for the project, but haven't had a chance to look into it yet.