j4mie / pyooks

Declarative Git Hooks in Python.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Implementation ideas to evolve pyooks #1

Open daltonmatos opened 13 years ago

daltonmatos commented 13 years ago

Hello Jamie,

First, contratulations for your project. It's a very interesting idea. In fact, some time ago I almost started a very similar project but for svn hooks, as I stopped using svn for my personal projects git seems to be the next target.

So the first idea was to have pyooks to manage all git hooks for a repository. For example, currently we need do declare all hook Classes insite the .git/hooks/post-commit file. My idea was to have always the same code, for instance:

from pyooks import runhook


and then runhook, internally, could know which kind of hook it is. It can do that looking at sys.argv[0]. Then, after discovering this it would dynamically load all hooks of that kind (post-commit, pre-commit, etc).

To do this I was thinking about using one of my projects, plugnplay (https://github.com/daltonmatos/plugnplay). With it we could have different API for each kind of Hook, something like this:

class PreCommitHook(plugnplay.Interface):

 def each_changed_file(self, filenobject):

And everytime we need to implement a PreCommitHook we would do:

class CheckPEP8(plugnplay.Plugin):
    implements = [PreCommitHook]

    def each_changed_file(self, fileobject):
        #Here goes the code that checks for PEP8

p.s. A PostCommitHook implementor would receive the commit SHA, instead of the changed files, for example.

And finnaly our unhook() would be something like this:

def runhook()
   hook_type = sys.argv[0]

   if hook_type == 'pre-commit':
        changed = _get_changed_files()
        for hook in PreCommitHook.implementors():    
             for file in changed:

Something like this (sorry for the bad indentation). This way we could have more than one Hook implementation per hook type. And also pyooks could have a command line script to "install" itself into a git repo, this would be done by creating the desired hook type with the code with runhook(). Something like: pyooks install <gitrepo> <hooktype>

Plugnplay is capable of loading plugins from a directory on disk, so pyooks could have a configuration to know where to find external plugins, that is, plugins written by other people and that are not included on the official distribution.

Anyway, there are yet a lot of ideas, for example: The capability of choosing the order of executions of the hooks and to enable/disable individual hooks. All this would be saved on .git/config file.

I will provide a proof-of-concept implementation so you will be able to see more clearly what are the ideas. I just wanted to post here so we can have this registered.

Thank you very much!

daltonmatos commented 13 years ago

Hello @j4mie,

here is the first idea of the implementation. Just copy the hook to .git/hooks/pre-commit and try to commit something.

Let me know what you think, Thanks!