jackun / VLCTube

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Request - a wider Volume Bar on the bottom row #25

Open LL25255252 opened 9 years ago

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

First of all, I guess most of the script users have switched to "button icons" so you can make yourself a little less work dealing with the "display" simply by removing the option to use "text buttons".

Since those "button icons" were introduced there's more "free space" so I think you can also remove the "Wider playback position scrollbar" checkbox and always display a "Wide playback position scrollbar" with the "volume bar" moving to the bottom row.

And now my request: I use extensively the "volume bar" but b/c it's too small so it takes too much effort to be careful pointing my mouse to fine-tune the volume (In the settings I set the maximum volume to 400% - because many of the videos I watch have unfortunately very low volume).

So can you please make use of the free space of the bottom row and make the "volume bar" wider like the speed-bar ?

BTW - The VOLUME-BAR is the main reason I installed this script. As far as I know it's the ONLY script/addon which can "fix" the low-volume problem of many videos on YT without the need to turn up the system volume and remember to turn it back afterwards.

So I'll keep my fingers crossed you'll accept my request...

VLC web plugin VLC 57.24 GM 2.2 FF 33 Win 7 x64

jackun commented 9 years ago

If you aren't already, for now, you could use Stylish ...style with:

#sbVol {
    width: 200px !important;

I'm currently mostly trying to fix old css and get the dynamic player sizing with '@ media' events working better. Hm, display: table-cell doesn't seemed to be the most optimal as per centages don't work with it.

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

Many thanks :) I tooks your advice and uploaded to usretyles.org (you can see there the screenshot ): https://userstyles.org/styles/106370/vlctube-longer-volume-bar-on-the-buttons-row