jackun / VLCTube

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(Solved) problem with configuration window #70

Closed LL25255252 closed 9 years ago

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

STR (steps to reproduce) : create a new profile install GM Open a youtube's page. e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w88p3xq5KsI Open VLCtube's configuration window Untick the "autoplay" and the "autoplay playlist" checkboxes. Close VLCtube's configuration window Reload

Result: These checkboxes.are still ticked.

VLCtube 61.14 GM 3.2 VLC Web Plugin Firefox 38.0.5 Win 7 x64 TIA.

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

Here's the Error Console log:

This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] crossdomain.xml This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] generate_204 "Hijacked createElement:" "video" 25318.user.js:4690:2 uncaught exception: j$@https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-en_US-vflPcWTEd/html5player.js:1701:471 g$@https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-en_US-vflPcWTEd/html5player.js:1697:448 g$.create@https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-en_US-vflPcWTEd/html5player.js:1699:111 ytplayer.load@https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w88p3xq5KsI:199:25839 @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w88p3xq5KsI:199:26000 @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w88p3xq5KsI:199:25936

This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] watch:1079:0 This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] videoplayback This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] videoplayback This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] jsapi This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] content.I.js mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create frameworks-808fcfcd63c9ecba3e84453f540cb1cbafde48c6b30c1d51ebd4e67e88ff66bd.js:34:1559 "Hijacked createElement:" "video" 25318.user.js:4690:2 uncaught exception: j$@https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-en_US-vflPcWTEd/html5player.js:1701:471 g$@https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-en_US-vflPcWTEd/html5player.js:1697:448 g$.create@https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-en_US-vflPcWTEd/html5player.js:1699:111 ytplayer.load@https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w88p3xq5KsI:178:25818 @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w88p3xq5KsI:178:25979 @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w88p3xq5KsI:178:25915 This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] videoplayback This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] videoplayback
jackun commented 9 years ago

I don't know why I thought the previous GM_getValue patch would work, uh.