jacquestvanzuydam / laravel-firebird

Firebird Illuminate package for Laravel 5
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No treatment for string on insert #45

Closed ShellOliver closed 6 months ago

ShellOliver commented 7 years ago

When try insert using create or DB:insert(), the string values is not with double quotes.

QueryException in Connection.php line 662: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: -204 Dynamic SQL Error SQL error code = -204 Table unknown USERS At line 1, column 13 (SQL: insert into users (name, email, password) values (teste, teste@teste.com, asdasd))

php7, firebird 2.5.7, laravel 5.1

KKSzymanowski commented 7 years ago

Are you sure you have the USERS table? I think there are never quotes in Exception messages in Laravel, but more importantly Firebird would throw a syntax error if something was wrong with the quotes, before even considering checking for table existence.

ShellOliver commented 7 years ago

It works if I use PDO directly, using the same connection configured on laravel using: $pdo = DB::connection()->getPdo(); But I would like do it using create or DB:insert() function.