foreach($id as user_id)
$query="match (u:user{id:{user_id}})-[r:likes]->(b:product)
return b";
$result = new Everyman\Neo4j\Cypher\Query($client, $query,array('user_id' => $user_id));
$data= $result->getResultSet();
I have to bind the parameters separately from loading the query.In the above code you will find the $result variable where I bind the parameters and load the query in one statement, I want binding the parameters to be done in a separate statement. Just like the prepared statement in mysql. Can it be done?
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Hello , I have the following situation
I have to bind the parameters separately from loading the query.In the above code you will find the $result variable where I bind the parameters and load the query in one statement, I want binding the parameters to be done in a separate statement. Just like the prepared statement in mysql. Can it be done?
Please help, Thanks in advance
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