jakartaee / faces

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Remove dependencies on SOAP web servcies #1913

Closed lprimak closed 1 month ago

lprimak commented 2 months ago

Jakarta EE 11 will not support SOAP. EE 11 API have workaround to remove WS from Faces. Is it possible just to remove SOAP from Faces for EE 11? This way, workarounds can be removed :)

arjantijms commented 2 months ago

Do you know where in the spec we refer to it?

If it's in the spec document somewhere we can say it's deprecated.

lprimak commented 2 months ago

Not sure about the spec document, but the WS references are in the code below This interferes with a clean build of Jakarta Web API artifacts.

                                    <delete file="${apidocs.api.src}/jakarta.faces/com/sun/faces/application/annotation/DelegatedWebServiceRefScanner.java"/>
                                    <delete file="${apidocs.api.src}/jakarta.faces/com/sun/faces/application/annotation/WebServiceRefHandler.java"/>
                                    <delete file="${apidocs.api.src}/jakarta.faces/com/sun/faces/application/annotation/WebServiceRefScanner.java"/>

                                    <!-- Below is a Workaround for https://github.com/jakartaee/faces/issues/1913 (jax-ws require removed) -->
                                    <echo file="${apidocs.api.src}/jakarta.faces/module-info.java">
arjantijms commented 2 months ago

Isn't that the custom Mojarra handler to inject WS references into some Faces artefacts? We indeed have to review all of that, but might be for the Mojarra tracker. @BalusC wdyt?

BalusC commented 2 months ago


All we can do in Faces side is to adjust spec section 5.2.2 to remove the two jakarta.xml.ws. entries and edit api/pom.xml to remove the JAX-WS dependency. It's nowhere* referenced in Faces API source code so that doesn't need adjustments. The actual code changes need to happen in the Faces impl (Mojarra and MyFaces) and therefor a new ticket has to be made over there.

Not terribly sure what's meant with "work arounds" though.

lprimak commented 2 months ago

The workarounds are currently in the Platform API because otherwise API is not going to compile due to Mojarra referencing Jax-WS which is no longer in the platform

lprimak commented 2 months ago

Filed a bug in Mojarra, because that's where the code is as well, and where the Platform APIs are tripping up on.