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[tck-challege] Jakarta EE Core TCK's cdi-lite-tck-suite.xml out of sync with CDI's tck-tests.xml #1196

Closed jamezp closed 11 months ago

jamezp commented 11 months ago

Relevant Information

  1. The relevant specification version and section number(s).
    • Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile
  2. The coordinates of the challenged test(s).
    • jakarta.ee.tck.coreprofile:cdi-lite-tck-suite:10.0.1
  3. The exact TCK version.
    • 10.0.1
  4. The implementation being tested, including name and company.
    • WildFly by Red Hat
  5. A full description of why the test is invalid and what the correct behavior is believed to be.
    • There are 3 CDI tests that should be excluded from the Jakarta EE Core TCK's CDI Lite TCK that are not:
      • org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.implementation.simple.lifecycle.SimpleBeanLifecycleTest
      • org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.context.DestroyForSameCreationalContextTest
      • org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.definition.bean.types.ManagedBeanTypesTest
  6. Any supporting material; debug logs, test output (.jtr file), test logs, run scripts, etc.

The cdi-lite-tck-suite.xml is out of sync with CDI's tck-tests.xml. These tests should be excluded in the cdi-lite-tck-suite.xml:

<!-- https://github.com/jakartaee/cdi-tck/issues/453 -->
<class name="org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.implementation.simple.lifecycle.SimpleBeanLifecycleTest">
        <exclude name="testCreateReturnsSameBeanPushed"/>
<class name="org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.context.DestroyForSameCreationalContextTest">
        <exclude name="testDestroyForSameCreationalContextOnly"/>

<!-- https://github.com/jakartaee/cdi-tck/issues/485 -->
<class name="org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.definition.bean.types.ManagedBeanTypesTest">
        <exclude name=".*"/>

The latter (org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.definition.bean.types.ManagedBeanTypesTest) causes issues with the TCK passing on Java 21.

If we cannot get this merged and a new Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile TCK released, we're asking that we can explicitly exclude these tests in our test configuration. In our case it will be on the maven-surefire-plugin section of our pom.xml for the CDI Lite TCK tests.

Additional context The CDI TCK Challenge issues:

jamezp commented 11 months ago

I seem to be wrong about being able to use excludes in the maven-surefire-plugin as the tests use TestNG and the suiteXmlFiles configuration parameter. With that set, the excludes are ignored. We'd need to modify the cdi-lite-tck-suite.xml to get this working. This is definitely possible, but a new release of the Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile would be preferred.

scottmarlow commented 11 months ago

Thanks @jamezp

scottmarlow commented 11 months ago

The initial Core Profile 10.0.3 TCK is staged at http://download.eclipse.org/ee4j/jakartaee-tck/jakartaee10/staged/eftl//jakarta-core-profile-tck-10.0.3.zip