jakubonty / weather_station_mqtt

5 stars 7 forks source link

Several improvements #3

Open jaime37000 opened 3 years ago

jaime37000 commented 3 years ago


First thank you for this plugin, was really help full to integrate my Mobile alerte sensors in HA now working flawlessly.

I added some features and made minor correction, not really an expert JS and MQTT so there is maybe better way to do it.

Fixes: -replace Buffer() deprecated fonctions (gatewayConfig.js,gatewayProxyServer.js, mobilealert.js) -removing sensorName check in config file as not developed was adding Unknown to each sensor log message

Added features:

Improved readme with full sensor configuration example

See enclosed updates src, as well not "the good way" to do it but again not really used to Github and several years without codding but want to share with the community my updates.



jakubonty commented 3 years ago

Hello Jaime, it is great, thank you very much.

I will add you changes, when I will have some time, probably next week.

jakubonty commented 2 years ago

Hello Jaime, I am very sorry, I forgot about this.

When I will look at it, when I will have more time.