jalapeno-api-gateway / network_graph_visualizer

A simple SR App to visualize networks
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Network Graph Visualizer

The Network Graph Visualizer is a simple application that can visualize a network topology stored in Jalapeño and access over the Jalapeño API Gateway.

Network Graph Visualizer

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Quick start

You can explore the repository using the links above.

To start the app follow these steps:

  1. Set your Jalapeño API Gateway address in api/configs/config.yml
  2. Set your API address in frontend/src/configs/config.ts (If you run local docker skip this step)
  3. Build and start the docker containers
    cd api/build 
    docker build -t network_graph_api:latest -f Dockerfile ../
    docker run -d -p 8080:8080 network_graph_api:latest
    cd -

cd frontend/docker docker build -t network_graph_frontend:latest -f Dockerfile ../ docker run -d -p 3000:3000 network_graph_frontend:latest cd -

4. Navigate to http://localhost:3000