jamesjmtaylor / esp32-ftms-server

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How to decode "Fitness Machine Control Point" data #2

Open CMingTseng opened 2 years ago

CMingTseng commented 2 years ago

Dear Sir

very thx your post https://jjmtaylor.com/post/fitness-machine-service-ftms/

can help me about FTMS at android

i try decode data

  1. i found this project https://github.com/sputnikdev/bluetooth-gatt-parser . the basic BLE data info it work --like Service -- device_information

  2. but i lost fitness_machine service xml file !! so i found it & relation Characteristics xml !! at



  1. when i think it is ok !! but the app will crash !!!??

  2. i look the xml https://www.btstage.net/wp-content/uploads/Sitecore-Media-Library/Gatt/Xml/Characteristics/org.bluetooth.characteristic.fitness_machine_control_point.xml

the value is empty !!!!!!

  1. now i want write some value at fitness_machine_control_point

how set value ? and get right Response Codes ?


jamesjmtaylor commented 2 years ago

Hi @CMingTseng,

Unfortunately I don't have any experience with the implementation of fitness machine control points using the FTMS protocol. All of my work has been in the passive collection of FTMS data.

If you haven't already seen it, you might try investigating https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/specs/fitness-machine-service-1-0/ for more information about control points.