jamigibbs / phantom

A minimalist, responsive portfolio theme for Jekyll with Bootstrap
MIT License
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posts not generated #23

Open jawher-Mansour opened 4 years ago

jawher-Mansour commented 4 years ago

when i test the site locally , it works just fine , it shows all the posts but when i uploaded to github pages (master branch) , i get a page but with no posts in it .

by the way thank you for the amazing design

xvxd4sh commented 4 years ago

the template uses jekyll-paginate-v2 which is not supported by github pages. the current work around for this issue is to implement the jekyll-paginate geminstead of the v2

gyao96 commented 4 years ago

I ran into the same issue. But if github pages does not support jekyll-paginate-v2, how did the author manage to post to her .github.io ???

gyao96 commented 4 years ago


mirenbz commented 4 years ago

@xvxd4sh how can it be made to work with jekyll-paginate? I changed it in _config.yml but nothing shows up, I guess some modifications will be required in the templates as well...

xvxd4sh commented 4 years ago

@gyao96 @mberasategi there's two option, you can alter the template to use jekyll-paginate version one or you can use a different hosting platform with webhook through github, like vercel or surge.sh.