jamsinclair / ballast

Keep your audio balance from drifting! OSX Status Bar App
MIT License
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Install through brew #12

Closed RolfKoenders closed 5 years ago

RolfKoenders commented 5 years ago

Thanks for this tool! Lifesaver! :pray:

It would be great to install this through Brew? I found the following which might help: https://docs.brew.sh/How-to-Create-and-Maintain-a-Tap

jamsinclair commented 5 years ago

Sounds good!

If someone would like to help out and contribute the brew formula, I'm happy to support and integrate 😄

markphelps commented 5 years ago

You could just create the formula on the main homebrew/core repo. This way you wouldnt have to maintain a tap of your own. They even provided a brew create command to easily create a formula.


jamsinclair commented 5 years ago

~I appreciate the suggestion, but I don't have time to dedicate to educating myself in this area.~

After further research Brew Cask is more appropriate and very easy to implement. Looking into.

jamsinclair commented 5 years ago

Can now be installed via brew cask install ballast

Will update Readme with new installation docs soon.