janeczku / calibre-web

:books: Web app for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks stored in a Calibre database
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Calibre-web not syncing to Kobo Libra 2 #2651

Open Tekgnome-svg opened 1 year ago

Tekgnome-svg commented 1 year ago

Calibre-web not syncing to Kobo Libra 2.

I have set up calibre-web, setup a bookshelf, enabled kobo sync, and replaced the API URL on the tablet with the one provided but it won't sync.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. setup calibre-web
  2. Enable Kobo sync in basic settings, Port 8083
  3. replaced kobo Webstore API with the one provided under my account (api_endpoint=
  4. setup shelf and add book(s)
  5. Tap sync on Kobo Libra 2


Expected behavior Books to download and sync

Environment (please complete the following information):

Troubleshooting steps I have tried: Restarting Kobo device Restarting server Force sync Add and remove different books to shelf Factory resetting Kobo Libra 2 and re-setting it back up again Tried different port numbers

hvmzx commented 1 year ago

What error do you get ? I tried this today on my Kobo Clara HD and I also get an error but it says "Network Error" after I click disovery on the bottom of the main page (after successfully syncing)

Tekgnome-svg commented 1 year ago

There's no specific error, it acts like the sync is successful but none of the books on my shelf sync over to it.

hvmzx commented 1 year ago

There's no specific error, it acts like the sync is successful but none of the books on my shelf sync over to it.

What do you see in the /sync link from your opds ?

flipside101 commented 1 year ago

same issue as OP same device a well. The connects but stays on "checking for updates" and then I get "Sync Failed. please try again" when i remove the api line it connects and updates and syncs to the cloud

KeenanWoods commented 1 year ago

Another data point for this issue: I have the same issue as OP, but not as @flipside101 - I don't get a "Sync Failed" pop-up; the Kobo thinks it synced properly.

For further testing, I was able to get this syncing and running perfectly on my Kobo Forma (syncs as normal with Calibre-web, including downloading new books). I even tried copy-pasting the "Kobo eReader.conf" file from my Forma to my Clara 2e, but I still had the exact same issue: the device thinks it is syncing properly, but it doesn't sync with my Calibre-web setup.

My /sync file shows when the Forma connects, but it doesn't reflect any connection attempts by the Clara 2e (successful or unsuccessful).

flipside101 commented 1 year ago

tested http://myipaddress:8083/kobo/MyToken/v1/library/sync - looks to pull only part of a library sync

flipside101 commented 1 year ago

Has anyone found a fix for this yet ? @Tekgnome-svg

flipside101 commented 1 year ago

error from logs [2023-01-30 21:23:46,039] ERROR {cps:1457} Exception on /kobo/TOKENWASERE/v1/library/sync [GET] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1900, in _execute_context self.dialect.do_execute( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py", line 736, in do_execute cursor.execute(statement, parameters) sqlite3.DatabaseError: database disk image is malformed The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/flask/app.py", line 2073, in wsgi_app response = self.full_dispatch_request() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/flask/app.py", line 1518, in full_dispatch_request rv = self.handle_user_exception(e) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/flask/app.py", line 1516, in full_dispatch_request rv = self.dispatch_request() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/flask/app.py", line 1502, in dispatch_request return self.ensure_sync(self.view_functions[rule.endpoint])(req.view_args) File "/app/calibre-web/cps/kobo_auth.py", line 162, in inner return f(*args, *kwargs) File "/app/calibre-web/cps/web.py", line 116, in inner return f(args, kwargs) File "/app/calibre-web/cps/kobo.py", line 213, in HandleSyncRequest log.debug("Books to Sync: {}".format(len(books.all()))) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py", line 2773, in all return self._iter().all() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py", line 2916, in _iter result = self.session.execute( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/session.py", line 1714, in execute result = conn._execute_20(statement, params or {}, execution_options) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1705, in _execute_20 return meth(self, args_10style, kwargs_10style, execution_options) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/elements.py", line 334, in _execute_on_connection return connection._execute_clauseelement( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1572, in _execute_clauseelement ret = self._execute_context( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1943, in _execute_context self._handle_dbapi_exception( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 2124, in _handle_dbapiexception util.raise( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/util/compat.py", line 211, in raise_ raise exception File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1900, in _execute_context self.dialect.do_execute( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py", line 736, in do_execute cursor.execute(statement, parameters) sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError: (sqlite3.DatabaseError) database disk image is malformed [SQL: SELECT books.id AS books_id, books.title AS books_title, books.sort AS books_sort, books.author_sort AS books_author_sort, books.timestamp AS books_timestamp, books.pubdate AS books_pubdate, books.series_index AS books_series_index, books.last_modified AS books_last_modified, books.path AS books_path, books.has_cover AS books_has_cover, books.uuid AS books_uuid, books.isbn AS books_isbn, books.flags AS books_flags, archived_book.last_modified AS archived_book_last_modified, archived_book.is_archived AS archived_book_is_archived FROM books JOIN calibre.data ON books.id = calibre.data.book LEFT OUTER JOIN archived_book ON books.id = archived_book.book_id AND archived_book.user_id = ? WHERE (books.id NOT IN (SELECT kobo_synced_books.book_id FROM kobo_synced_books WHERE kobo_synced_books.user_id = ?)) AND 1 = 1 AND calibre.data.format IN (?, ?) ORDER BY books.last_modified, books.id LIMIT ? OFFSET ?] [parameters: (5, 5, 'KEPUB', 'EPUB', 100, 0)] (Background on this error at: https://sqlalche.me/e/14/4xp6) [2023-01-30 21:23:56,043] DEBUG {cps.updater:323} Nightly version: d2056ceb51b33cf3dfe079f024fcba905609f186, 2023-01-29T14:28:49+01:00 [2023-01-30 21:32:50,446] DEBUG {cps.ub:83} Found stored session: d4fcbab8f25e49c3ee4ecaeb0d249ee059b9374b6295f30c02228b9e31e168510fce501c238d3578ddcc945721e9443a6f07ac60fc3b212655ff7766981af411 [2023-01-30 21:32:51,107] DEBUG {cps.ub:83} Found stored session: d4fcbab8f25e49c3ee4ecaeb0d249ee059b9374b6295f30c02228b9e31e168510fce501c238d3578ddcc945721e9443a6f07ac60fc3b212655ff7766981af411 [2023-01-30 21:35:34,997] DEBUG {cps.updater:323} Nightly version: d2056ceb51b33cf3dfe079f024fcba905609f186, 2023-01-29T14:28:49+01:00 [2023-01-30 21:36:25,438] DEBUG {cps.helper:943} unrar version 6.11 beta 1 [2023-01-30 21:36:25,439] DEBUG {cps.config_sql:346} _ConfigSQL updating storage [2023-01-30 21:37:51,459] DEBUG {cps.ub:83} Found stored session: d4fcbab8f25e49c3ee4ecaeb0d249ee059b9374b6295f30c02228b9e31e168510fce501c238d3578ddcc945721e9443a6f07ac60fc3b212655ff7766981af411 [2023-01-30 21:37:51,682] DEBUG {cps.ub:83} Found stored session: d4fcbab8f25e49c3ee4ecaeb0d249ee059b9374b6295f30c02228b9e31e168510fce501c238d3578ddcc945721e9443a6f07ac60fc3b212655ff7766981af411 [2023-01-30 21:37:51,804] DEBUG {cps.ub:83} Found stored session: d4fcbab8f25e49c3ee4ecaeb0d249ee059b9374b6295f30c02228b9e31e168510fce501c238d3578ddcc945721e9443a6f07ac60fc3b212655ff7766981af411 [2023-01-30 21:37:51,804] INFO {cps.kobo:141} Kobo library sync request received. [2023-01-30 21:37:51,804] DEBUG {cps.kobo:142} SyncToken: 0001-01-01 00:00:00,0001-01-01 00:00:00,0001-01-01 00:00:00,0001-01-01 00:00:00,0001-01-01 00:00:00,eyJ0eXAiOjEsInZlciI6bnVsbCwicHR5cCI6IlN5bmNUb2tlbiJ9.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 [2023-01-30 21:37:51,805] DEBUG {cps.kobo:144} Kobo: Received unproxied request, changed request port to external server port [2023-01-30 21:37:57,872] ERROR {cps:1457} Exception on /kobo/056efa4093fa37886f5e35e3e0cf27c2/v1/library/sync [GET] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1900, in _execute_context self.dialect.do_execute( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py", line 736, in do_execute cursor.execute(statement, parameters) sqlite3.DatabaseError: database disk image is malformed The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/flask/app.py", line 2073, in wsgi_app response = self.full_dispatch_request() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/flask/app.py", line 1518, in full_dispatch_request rv = self.handle_user_exception(e) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/flask/app.py", line 1516, in full_dispatch_request rv = self.dispatch_request() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/flask/app.py", line 1502, in dispatch_request return self.ensure_sync(self.view_functions[rule.endpoint])(req.view_args) File "/app/calibre-web/cps/kobo_auth.py", line 162, in inner return f(*args, *kwargs) File "/app/calibre-web/cps/web.py", line 116, in inner return f(args, kwargs) File "/app/calibre-web/cps/kobo.py", line 213, in HandleSyncRequest log.debug("Books to Sync: {}".format(len(books.all()))) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py", line 2773, in all return self._iter().all() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py", line 2916, in _iter result = self.session.execute( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/session.py", line 1714, in execute result = conn._execute_20(statement, params or {}, execution_options) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1705, in _execute_20 return meth(self, args_10style, kwargs_10style, execution_options) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/elements.py", line 334, in _execute_on_connection return connection._execute_clauseelement( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1572, in _execute_clauseelement ret = self._execute_context( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1943, in _execute_context self._handle_dbapi_exception( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 2124, in _handle_dbapiexception util.raise( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/util/compat.py", line 211, in raise_ raise exception File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1900, in _execute_context self.dialect.do_execute( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py", line 736, in do_execute cursor.execute(statement, parameters) sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError: (sqlite3.DatabaseError) database disk image is malformed [SQL: SELECT books.id AS books_id, books.title AS books_title, books.sort AS books_sort, books.author_sort AS books_author_sort, books.timestamp AS books_timestamp, books.pubdate AS books_pubdate, books.series_index AS books_series_index, books.last_modified AS books_last_modified, books.path AS books_path, books.has_cover AS books_has_cover, books.uuid AS books_uuid, books.isbn AS books_isbn, books.flags AS books_flags, archived_book.last_modified AS archived_book_last_modified, archived_book.is_archived AS archived_book_is_archived FROM books JOIN calibre.data ON books.id = calibre.data.book LEFT OUTER JOIN archived_book ON books.id = archived_book.book_id AND archived_book.user_id = ? WHERE (books.id NOT IN (SELECT kobo_synced_books.book_id FROM kobo_synced_books WHERE kobo_synced_books.user_id = ?)) AND 1 = 1 AND calibre.data.format IN (?, ?) ORDER BY books.last_modified, books.id LIMIT ? OFFSET ?] [parameters: (5, 5, 'KEPUB', 'EPUB', 100, 0)] (Background on this error at: https://sqlalche.me/e/14/4xp6) [2023-01-30 21:38:26,173] DEBUG {cps.updater:323} Nightly version: d2056ceb51b33cf3dfe079f024fcba905609f186, 2023-01-29T14:28:49+01:00

ExtraGG commented 1 year ago

I am also affected by this issue. Sync takes very long, and then it fails.

aniqueta commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue with a Libra 2. Only syncing 25 books, some recently add but also some not. Unclear pattern, and logs look normal.

aniqueta commented 1 year ago

I resolved this for my Libra 2 after using Force full kobo sync in the user settings. It appears this is necessary when moving to a new device.

aniqueta commented 1 year ago

Proposed updates to the wiki: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web/wiki/Kobo-Integration#changing-kobo-devices

jzarca01 commented 1 year ago

From what I could try, you need to make sure your user has "Allow downloads" checked

lukehmcc commented 11 months ago

I have "Allow Downloads" enabled, and my /sync endpoint is populated properly. My but Libra 2 is also failing. Only 18 books. This happened after my kobo updated last.

EDIT: A couple days later and it works again. I didn't update the docker container, I didn't change my reverse proxy, my DNS entries stayed the same, and I didn't change any ports... I'm confused as to how this happened but I'm glad it's working.

Something to keep in mind is while the web interface is over my reverse proxy I have allowed the kobo to directly connect to port 8083 via http.

EDIT: I was just playing around to see if I could get https working and I have done it. Basically, in the control panel I have the port set to 8083 for external connections and I have caddy set up as follows

my.domain.com {
    reverse_proxy localhost:8083 {
                header_up X-Scheme https
Bykow commented 11 months ago

I have similar situation:

Logs of the container:

INFO {cps.kobo:1066} Init 
INFO {cps.kobo:143} Kobo library sync request received. 

Nothing else sadly...

bart47 commented 10 months ago


I've got 2 libra 2 devices.... and i've got the same problem on only one of my two devices:

1- I set calibre web (with portforwarding, DynDNS...) 2- I set the api endpoint on my two devices

One sync is working , the other is defective and is stucked. (even after resetting the sync hustory on the server)

=> I tried to compare / exchange the conf. file , it solved anything

=>I checked the wifi settings/reset to factory/ update to last firmware => nothing work

Fun fact : i bought an unffocial Sleepcover => it work very well on my unsyncing tablet, but doesn't work on the libra which can sync

There seems to be differences between libra 2 devices (hardware/softwere/both)

OzzieIsaacs commented 10 months ago

@bart47 are you syncing both devices to one user account? This is not working

barthoum47 commented 9 months ago

i should retry it with a second account/token... But 2 devices should theorically work on the same calbre-web account/token, if i reset sync history on calibre web between syncs

auspex commented 7 months ago

I'm having a similar problem (I can't, for the life of me remember which Kobo I have...). My Kobo synced fine before I had a drive failure on my server and had to rebuild my docker stack.

https://books.***/kobo/TOKEN/v1/library/sync returns a well formed JSON object. I have no idea if it's correct but it looks right.

If I try to sync from the Kobo, there's no sign that it even tries to connect in the calibre-web log (whereas going to the URL in a browser shows [2024-01-28 18:25:49,484] INFO {cps.kobo:146} Kobo library sync request received).

I tried deleting .kobo/Kobo/Kobo eReader.conf, and it synced fine directly to Kobo, then I added the api_endpoint= line (to sync to calibre-web rather than Kobo) and sync stopped working. So, the wifi is clearly operational, but it doesn't seem to send anything to calibre-web

subnetz commented 7 months ago

@auspex If you're using a reverse proxy (like nginx), add the following proxy settings:

        server_name books.example.com;

        location / {
                proxy_pass         ;
                proxy_set_header             Host              $http_host;
                proxy_set_header             X-Forwarded-For   $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
                proxy_set_header             X-Scheme          $scheme;
                proxy_set_header             X-Script-Name     /calibre-web;
                proxy_busy_buffers_size      1024k;
                proxy_buffers                4                 512k;
                proxy_buffer_size            1024k;
        client_max_body_size 2G;
auspex commented 7 months ago

It's traefik, and it should have those settings, but I'll check. It's funny, I just said to my wife that I really needed to get back to fixing this, and your response arrived within a couple of minutes🤣

auspex commented 7 months ago

No dice. I still see nothing in the log. How do I turn on Debug logging? Also, what do I have to do to stop it complaining at startup:

WARN {cps.config_sql:352} Log path  not valid, falling back to default

fwiw, the old (working) traefik setup before my drive died definitely didn't have the X-Script-Name header set.

Drakmyth commented 7 months ago

Not sure if this has been ruled out, but I got a Libra 2 recently and was experiencing the same issue. In my case the issue was that I had uploaded .azw books I had pulled from Kindle, but they were actually KFX format books and couldn't be converted. After installing the KFX Input and DeDRM plugins into the calibre desktop app, I was able to convert them to .epub. From there calibre-web had no trouble syncing them to my selected shelf and onto my device.

In the logs it looked like everything was fine, the sync would run but the books just wouldn't appear on the device. It was through mostly luck that I decided to install those plugins and try again from scratch that I discovered the real issue.

auspex commented 7 months ago

In my case, I think I have to just blame my Kobo. I'm finding it dropping wifi while doing other things. Why it can get some connectivity to through the browser and none with the he kobo sync is a mystery, but it's not reliable enough to be blaming calibre-web

c64bob commented 4 months ago

In my case, I think I have to just blame my Kobo. I'm finding it dropping wifi while doing other things. Why it can get some connectivity to through the browser and none with the he kobo sync is a mystery, but it's not reliable enough to be blaming calibre-web

@auspex , did you manage to find out why the kobo sync didn't work? I'm asking because I have exactly the same problem. I have a kobo clara colour, and wifi is fully functional. I can sync with the kobo cloud, but as soon as I switch out the api_endpoint with the one provided by calibre-web, there is an error that "sync failed". I am using traefik as well, and no sync requests are showing up in my access logs. Accessing the endpoint by browser shows a fully working sync, so the problem must be either my kobo or traefik.

Any pointers are greatly appreciated :)

auspex commented 4 months ago

No. In my case I'm sure it's the Wi-Fi. In fact, the other day, I noticed that it HAD successfully synced with my calibre-web, even though I had changed nothing. I know the Wi-Fi works sometimes, and seeing the sync work occasionally is consistent

rjaakke commented 3 months ago

Disable syncing Notebooks in the sync settings on the Kobo fixed it for me on de Libra 2 Color.

flipside101 commented 3 months ago

Disable syncing Notebooks in the sync settings on the Kobo fixed it for me on de Libra 2 Color.

Unfortunately that setting is on the libre 2