(B)rowser (O)f (A)rbitrary Data - a Python browser of data. The goal is to create a simple tool for scientists / data miners to browse and plot various data sources in one simple environment.
It's a library, as well as a set of tools.
Most focus is placed on table-like pandas-based objects.
pipx install boadata
Run <command> --help
to see full list of options
boa-describe <uri>
- show basic info about a data objectboa-tree <uri>
- list nodes in a data treeboa-cat <uri>
- print tabular representation of a dataobjectboa-convert <from+> <to>
- convert one data source into anotherboa-table <uri>
- a tabular view of data based on textualpandas
blinker (perhaps to be removed)
h5py (optional)
sqlalchemy (optional)
matplotlib (to become optional)
bokeh (to become optional instead of matplotlib)
pandas_profiling (optional - dataframe summaries)
datadotworld (optional - for their datasets)
Python 3.8+