Argument of type 'ComponentStyles<{ $primary: boolean; } & ClassAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'CSSInterpolation$1<ClassAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & { theme: YakTheme; }>'.
Type 'ComponentStyles<{ $primary: boolean; } & ClassAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>' is not assignable to type 'ComponentStyles$1<ClassAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & { theme: YakTheme; }>'.
Types of parameters 'props' and 'props' are incompatible.
Type 'ClassAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & { theme: YakTheme; }' is not assignable to type '{ $primary: boolean; } & ClassAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>'.
Property '$primary' is missing in type 'ClassAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & { theme: YakTheme; }' but required in type '{ $primary: boolean; }'.ts(2345)
When having a component with a property and using it as a selector in another component works without a type error:
while having the selector on a mixin and using the mixin in the same component fails with a type error:
Resulting error: