japacible / commission-me

Platform for commissioners and buyers to connect and finalize sales.
4 stars 3 forks source link

Code review/General Look at About Page (User Documentation) #227

Closed quanc closed 10 years ago

quanc commented 10 years ago

I've been working all afternoon/evening/night to get the about page up and running. If anyone would like to code review, my latest commit is here: 24d16d58d62903cf0886c9a8dae7d2e5e1c33e74. The link to the page is "CommissionMe" from the front page welcome banner. Let me know if you think the link should be added somewhere else.

If everyone could take a look at it and give me some feedback on colors, text, content, and whatever else, I'd really appreciate that.

I currently can't access the pages from commissions on master or wip-commissions (I keep getting errors when I try the links). I need to access those to get screenshots for the commissioner/artist documentation image views, so if someone could tell me how to access them or get the screenshots for me so I can fill in the slideshows, that would be great.

Finally, I need some more FAQ question and answer ideas. I added these three to the FAQ right now but I need answers for them:

japacible commented 10 years ago

Responding to this in a bit. I got to look at it earlier in the labs.

japacible commented 10 years ago

Somanymergeconflicts. :(

japacible commented 10 years ago

Ship it! Merge it into master; we'll deal with actual text in the meantime and then screenshots once commissions is completed..

japacible commented 10 years ago

@quanc let me know when you merge into master; I'll help with more FAQ content.

quanc commented 10 years ago

Merging now. I'll leave the FAQ for you.

japacible commented 10 years ago


quanc commented 10 years ago

Finished the merge. A bunch of merge conflicts came from the fact that I branched off of wip-commissions, so hopefully I didn't delete anything.

japacible commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your work!