jararias / mpsplines

Mean preserving interpolation with splines for 1-D data series
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mpsplines: Mean preserving interpolation with splines

The mean-preserving interpolation with splines is published in:

Ruiz-Arias, J. A. (2022). Mean-preserving interpolation with splines for solar radiation modeling. Solar Energy, Vol. 248, pp. 121-127. doi: 10.1016/j.solener.2022.10.038 (open access)


python3 -m pip install git+https://github.com/jararias/mpsplines.git


The usage of mpsplines is so simple that is better explained with an example.

import numpy as np
import pylab as pl

# unknown process
x = np.linspace(0., 2*np.pi, 480)
y = (0.05 - np.sin(x))**2

# we only know some averages
xi = np.reshape(x, (8, 60)).mean(axis=1)
yi = np.reshape(y, (8, 60)).mean(axis=1)

pl.figure(figsize=(8, 3.5))

pl.plot(x, y, 'k--', lw=.8, label='unknown true process')
pl.plot(xi, yi, 'ko', ms=4.5, mfc='none', mew=1.5, mec='k',
        label='averaged known process')

where y is the unknown process that we want to reconstruct, but we only know the averages:

interpolation nods

*saveplot is a function that formats and saves the plot. You can find the code in tests/intro_example.py.

If we make a regular splines interpolation, the interpolated curve will go through the interpolation nodes:

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

sp2 = interp1d(xi, yi, kind=2, bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate')

pl.plot(x, sp2(x), 'g-', lw=1, label='regular 2nd-order splines')

regular splines

This interpolator is exact and inappropriate in this situation. If we rather use mpsplines:

from mpsplines import (
    MeanPreservingInterpolation as MPI

mpi = MPI(yi=yi, xi=xi)
pl.plot(x, mpi(x), 'r-', lw=1, label='mp-splines')

mpsplines plain

The unknown process is much better reconstructed with mp-splines, especially at the relative maxima and minima.

But we also know that this particular unknown process is periodic. We can let mp-splines know about it:

mpi = MPI(yi=yi, xi=xi, periodic=True)
pl.plot(x, mpi(x), 'r-', lw=1, label='mp-splines periodic')

mpsplines plain

Now the fit of the mp-splines interpolated results to the unknown process is very good.

Let assume that, for some reason, we also know that the interpolated values cannot be smaller than 0.05. Then:

mpi = MPI(yi=yi, xi=xi, periodic=True, min_val=0.05, cubic_window_size=3)
pl.plot(x, mpi(x), 'r-', lw=1, label='mp-splines periodic, min_val=0.05')

mpsplines plain

Note that I am using cubic_window_size=3. It is the number of splines that are relaxed around the splines that goes beyond 0.05. It must be an odd number that, by default, is set to 9, meaning that 4 splines on each site are relaxed. However, we have so few interpolation nodes in this example that 9 is too high. Then, I set the number of relaxed splines to 3 only (one on each side).

Use of mpsplines with time series and monthly climatologies

mpsplines is ready to work with time series and monthly climatologies out-of-the-box. For examples, have a look at the scripts in mpsplines/paper.