jaredpalmer / cypress-image-snapshot

Catch visual regressions in Cypress
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Problems that always pass visual regression tests run with the GitHub action #261

Open student513 opened 1 year ago

student513 commented 1 year ago

Any test that intentionally fails in a local environment is always passed when it is run as a GitHub action. I checked the screenshot of the cypress dashboard to see what happens when I run the GitHub action.

The first image is a baseline screenshot. image

The second image is a snapshot of the ui intended to fail. An extra button has been added. image

As I assume, the test should not pass if the snapshot taken in the second GitHub action test differs from the baseline in the first GitHub action test after the baseline is generated by the first GitHub action test.

In fact, local tests do not pass the above tests. The settings are as follows.

// commands.js
import { addMatchImageSnapshotCommand } from "cypress-image-snapshot/command";

  failureThreshold: 0.001,
  failureThresholdType: "percent",
  customDiffConfig: { threshold: 0.1 },
  capture: "viewport",
스크린샷 2022-11-24 오후 4 28 24

However, if you try to test with GitHub action, all of them succeed.

(Run Starting)

  │ Cypress:        11.1.0                                                                         │
  │ Browser:        Chrome 107 (headless)                                                          │
  │ Node Version:   v16.13.0 (/home/runner/runners/2.299.1/externals/node16/bin/node)              │
  │ Specs:          1 found (cameraTranslateInDirection.cy.ts)                                     │
  │ Searched:       cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}                                            │
  │ Params:         Tag: false, Group: false, Parallel: false                                      │
  │ Run URL:        https://cloud.cypress.io/projects/9iq3e5/runs/3                                │


  Running:  cameraTranslateInDirection.cy.ts                                                (1 of 1)
  Estimated: 9 seconds

    ✓ translate to N (2162ms)
    ✓ translate to NE (687ms)
    ✓ translate to E (655ms)
    ✓ translate to SE (621ms)
    ✓ translate to S (636ms)
    ✓ translate to SW (641ms)
    ✓ translate to W (706ms)
    ✓ translate to NW (725ms)
    ✓ translate to backward (976ms)
    ✓ translate to forward (1121ms)

  10 passing (9s)


  │ Tests:        10                                                                               │
  │ Passing:      10                                                                               │
  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
  │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
  │ Screenshots:  10                                                                               │
  │ Video:        true                                                                             │
  │ Duration:     8 seconds                                                                        │
  │ Estimated:    9 seconds                                                                        │
  │ Spec Ran:     cameraTranslateInDirection.cy.ts                                                 │

The reasons I expect are as follows

I hope the results of the local test and the test run by GitHub action are the same. I'd really appreciate your help

name: CI
on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: "14"
          cache: "yarn"
      - uses: cypress-io/github-action@v4
          browser: chrome
          record: true
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
// cypress.config.js
import { defineConfig } from "cypress";
import { addMatchImageSnapshotPlugin } from "cypress-image-snapshot/plugin";

export default defineConfig({
  projectId: '******',
  e2e: {
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      addMatchImageSnapshotPlugin(on, config);
ghilaslinz commented 1 week ago

Any update for this issue. I have exactly the same