Sorry to bug you with what must be something silly, but I've fallen at the very first hurdle!
Following your documentation as closely as I can (Laravel 5.4) I keep on getting
message:ErrorCode(0) with message "Call to undefined method Illuminate\\Http\\Response::see()"
Am I not doing something I should be doing? Pretty sure the kahlan-config.php file is being run. Your docs seem idiot-proof so I'm quite confused. Thanks!
@BeggarsMattM updated readme - it was ok for earlier versions, but since Laravel doesn't give a sh.t about sticking to one convention, see and assertResponseOk methods are simply gone ;)
Sorry to bug you with what must be something silly, but I've fallen at the very first hurdle!
Following your documentation as closely as I can (Laravel 5.4) I keep on getting
ErrorCode(0) with message "Call to undefined method Illuminate\\Http\\Response::see()"
Am I not doing something I should be doing? Pretty sure the kahlan-config.php file is being run. Your docs seem idiot-proof so I'm quite confused. Thanks!